Arriving in Buenos Aires next week!

Hi all,

I'm from San Francisco, California but will be arriving in BsAs next week and staying for 5 months+. Would love to meet other expats/locals to do things with, exhange information, etc...
My Spanish is dreadful, so I'm hoping to improve in that arena too!


Hi and welcome on Meri :)

I moved your message to the Buenos Aires forum for better visibility ;) I hope you will make many contacts on the site and obtain the help needed!



There are a variety of groups and events that meet here frequently.  If interested just drop me an email.


I assume you're already in BA; I'm arriving next week. Starting a new life from scratch.

I lived in the Bay Area for 17 years... Then Mexico for 13.

If you'd like to meet, let me know. I'd be curious to know what your experience has been like so far.

My intention is to stay, if possible. My father loved Buenos Aires and used to wax nostalgic about it all the time.

So - perhaps coffee at some café somewhere?


Bob Haskell

Ideal this trip make you think, Argentina will be a country that you will love.
The places to see are beautiful, natural scenery, pleasant people and many varieties of culture.
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