Anyone jogging in Mishref Track?

Looking for buddies to jog in the afternoons in Mishref! Anyone out there doing this track? :-)

problem with Mishref is it feels like a hamster wheel :P

if ur interested there are two running groups taht meet on the weekend, one of friday mornings (6:30am - will be made a bit later soon since the weather is getting better) and one on saturday mornings at 10am.

or theres the Nike club, they meet on sundays and wendesdays there (Mishref) i think, around 7pm.

Thanks Legacy!

I am interested in the group of the Friday morning. How do I get in touch?

well you can get in touch with me as it is my group :D

its called Q8FootSoldiers, the link to our operation is here, we were also featured in bazaar magazine (article here) (yes i wrote the article myself :P)

Interesting article, well done! Could you Inbox me your details Legacy.  My husband and I could join you guys this Friday!

i am interested, can i have you contact details pleas. what is your timing when you need to join with please advice me in advance. i can manage my timing for your convenience. about your details....

i am not arabic.....

best regards

I'm not really a jogger or a runner, but have been running (on a treadmill) as part of a warm up before exercising (max of 10 minutes!).  That said I wouldn't mind meeting up with you guys / gals when we move over next month.

Hope to see you


We'll be waiting :)