Money saving tips for families with children


we have recently moved to Malta and I have come across some interesting information that I thought I would share with a hope that other expats would share theirs. Well, you might not find them interesting but I do.

A) Women coming back from maternity leave do not pay tax the first year.

I have already been in touch with Inland Revenue and they said it also applies to me even though I am coming from abroad. As long as I can prove I worked before giving birth and that this is my first employment after giving birth. They want prove through income tax papers, which I don't have so I sent another email but no reply yet.

B) You can claim fees for sports activities for children who are under 16 years and who attend classes provided by certified sport centre. This is more of a question than information because I have seen this on Inland Revenue websites but no detailed information was provided and I am waiting for their reply.

I hope some find this useful. I also hope you can share your information that might save money.


Thanks for the information, good to know :)

You're welcome:)

For sport activities - every year (Feb-March) they upload a new form on IRD web-site. You should download it, fill-in the gaps and sign by the officials in sport centre. Usually they prepared these forms for every students in advance.

The same procedure applicable for private schools named in Income Tax Act.

Then you should obtain the blank copy of Tax Return from IRD, fill it and file till 30/06 next year.

Tax refund will be issued by cheque

You can also get tax back for Private nursery/school fees.In not really sure how it works but the nursery keep sending me tax return forms!