Looking for friends in Paris before I go there

Iam planning to go to Paris for vacation soon, I would like to have some friends there, it is going to be a chance for me to meet with people there.

Check out www.meetup.com and look up Paris. Im finding it quite a good way to at least get started and start having a social life.
I write about it on my blog


welcome on Expat.com Sara1980! :)

The Paris expat network also might help you to have some contacts.

Thank you,
Iam really looking forward to visit Paris

Hi)) when are you coming to paris? Maybe , by the chance, it is the weekend of 28-30th of august?
I come to paris alone as the last minute my friend could not go) so i am looking for some friends)

Iam planning to go there in October, seems we will not have chance to meet there.