Guard dogs

hi everybody as i decided to have a guard dog i need yr advice about a good spice and whether to get a baby or a grown up one?

if you want perfect guard dog which loves you and protects the best way it can, you should get a baby dog and teach him to be guard dog.Mostly those dogs are very, very aggressive and if you get an adult guard dog you will have to be very careful.If you get a baby dog and teach it to be a guard dog then there is a small, small risk that this dog will attack u at all!
My only advice to you is BE CAREFUL with those kinds of dogs!
Good luck and have fun with your doggy. :)

Rottweiler best Dog ever

Man "Gosho 1991" I don't agree with you :) Dogs r better than u think :)

It really does not matter what the breed is and please dont treat your dog just as a guard dog, a dog is a pet and should be part of the family and if treated well she/he will protect you anyway.

Tarique1308 wrote:

Rottweiler best Dog ever

Not if you have a family..rottweiler need a lot of training and discipline to avoid fatal mistakes...

The best option is to get Bull Mastiff or German shepherd...

Bullmastiff and Rottwieler are designed for this mission...
Karena, the dog can be trained to guard you and to be part of the family as well.

Magnum, I have a wonderful dog who is part of the family and has never been trained as a guard dog but anyone who comes to the door or even outside she lets them know that she is around.

karena, I think you are right, for sure Azza wants something like this to be alerted only not to let her dog rip someone off, she is not guarding a military base :)

Thanks Magnum :)I hope Azza finds what she is looking for and there are plenty of dog shelters here in Cairo she can find a lovely dog that needs a home.

Karena wrote:

Thanks Magnum :)I hope Azza finds what she is looking for and there are plenty of dog shelters here in Cairo she can find a lovely dog that needs a home.

There is a new dog store opened in road 233 in Maadi, Degla they can import any dog breed for you, but they over exaggerate in prices.. Good luck

Don't buy a dog when there are hundreds of strays that need homes.

Tarique1308 wrote:

Man "Gosho 1991" I don't agree with you :) Dogs r better than u think :)

Not really, if you train it to be a guard dog it has to be an aggressive dog and if it's aggressive dog then it's dangerous.Of course it depends on the kind of the dog, but most of the guard dogs(pitbulls, mastiffs, etc..) are extremely dangerous!You need to make sure they know that YOU are their family and they have to protect YOU, and not attack you.Adopting a dog and making it a guard dog it's not a joke!Trust me, I know something about these things.

Hi Azza,
welcoem to Expat-Blog, and the Dog lover, form my point of view, it will be very good to you to have GDS.
Good Luck

Gosho, if all Azza wants is a dog to protect herself then she does not need an aggressive dog and also trust me I know these things as well and as far as pittbulls, you are wrong by saying these dogs are aggressive an animal is only aggressive if its trained this way.  Also I would never buy a dog, adoption is so much better, that's my view anyway :)