Meeting new people for coffee

Hello everyone..
I just moved to live in Hurghada.. Today is my first day actually :)

I'm a web designer and photographer ... was wondering if there is someone interested in go for coffee or want to have some funny time in a discotheque or something?

Ok, this just went to push me a bit overboard...I am receiving 5 notifications of new responses in at least FIVE different conversation threads, just to read this stupid advertisement!!! Post that stuff in the classified section! If ppl want to attend this event, fine, but no need to hijack a bunch of private threads with this solicitation!

Rant off...nothing against x-mas and all that stuff, but flooding my inbox with stupid and fully repeated advertisement just ticked me off....

you can press the "report" button.....

oh, well, in the end i did that....same 'advertisement' on 9 different posts i had subscribed to...for what DO we actually have the classified section I started to wonder...that was fully off topic to the comment/subject thread there...


Just to remind you that is not a dating website.


Hi azeera,

Please do not hesitate to use the reporting system.

Thank you.

Thank you Christine, for you and the Expat-Blog staff to take prompt action to that. I know that probably with speaking out aloud I now have an enemy in Hurghada, but I really felt it was totally misused and misplaced. Even though if the main aim was to promote for a good cause....anyway, thank you!