Anti-bacterial / de-worming medicine

Sorry folks, I know this topic was posted a couple months ago, but I can't seem to find it.

Regardless, as I'll be leaving shortly, does anyone know the name of a good/trusted de-worming medicine I can get over the counter at a local pharmacy? I'm feeling fine but in the original post, many people recommending taking something twice a year just to be sure.



Here's the post. We use the same brand here (Fugacar).

You going back home? Already?!

@Aidan in HCMC

Fantastic, that's the post.

Yes, I only came for two months to "check it out". Basically, I'm looking for a good winter get away. Next year will be 5 to 6 months.

Next week I'll do a post on my experience, but is has been pretty good overall.

Thanks for the link!
