
How much to rent a house in areas like Duhok or Erbil?

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How much would a house be to rent in areas like duhok or erbil in the neighbourhood and can English people rent houses there

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Hello cfitzgerald244555,

Welcome to :cheers:

Please note that I have created a new thread with your post on the Iraq forum.

Will it be your first time in Iraq?


Cheryl team

Hi, finding accomodation in Erbil is kinda easy, you won't have an issue on that.

If you are looking for a house (not a flat) i would recommended for you to search in

- English, Italian, Spanish and Lebanese city (some time they call them villages). They named them like that because of the style and the design of the houses, is similar to community compounds in wester countries.
The average to rent house there depends on how many rooms and the area of the house.
Foe exampl e a furnished 4 bed room  2 story, an area of 240sqm house  will be $1400 per month + electricity and water.

I can say Transportation (Taxi) is cheap in Erbil and Duhok around 2-4$ per trip you can bargain with the driver.
Flat for sure would be much cheaper for example MFR towers fully furnished  2 bedrooms flat would cost you around 850$ per month.

Regarding duhok the rent over there is more cheap than Erbil but I'm not familiar of how much it will cost. I have friend in Duhok if you planning to rent there not in Erbil

Hope the info above was helpful.

Feel free to contact me for more information
