
Vaccination and covid measures

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Looking for frank info on whats currently happening covid-wise in Mexico. We are Cdn retirees whofarm organically and do not want these gene therapy shots. 

See also

The healthcare system in MexicoHealth insurance in MexicoPregnancy in MexicoAccidents and emergencies in MexicoNeurologists in Quintana Roo

Ok I live in lake chapala area.... locals are done with masks..... the baby boomers refuse to chill out.   

A ton of shops I frequent regularly know me and my wife a d when we enter they don't mask up and they don't care if we do.  But if a  boomer sees you with your nose out of a mask they will freak out and I mean like a nuke is landing on our heads.

So where I live locals are done with it, but boomer xpats are still in Full covid freak out.


@brumyk2021 , 

Mexico does not force shots you don't want. They do want you to wash your hands with the ever-popular chemical sprays but that is quickly washed off with soap and water. The mask issue is fading except for going to restaurants and markets. I hear that masking may stop next month.


We live in CDMX where everyone, of all ages, wears a mask. Businesses continue to provide distanced and reduced seating, temperature checks and hand sanitizer. We’re pleased and grateful, and plan to receive our fourth shots here.

Victor Munoz50

It varies by region and whether the setting is urban or more village and rural. Over the past year and a half I have spent time in about half a dozen cities, towns and villages in Central and Southern Mexico including Guanajuato City, San Miguel de Allende, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Oaxaca as well as visited some more remote mountain villages as well as the Oaxacan coast. A general rule is the more urban places are still quite Covid sensitive. Though, as others have mentioned, unless you are applying for public health care here (according to one source), there are no vaccine mandates. Mask-wearing in places like San Cristobal de las Casas is about 50/50 on the street. More liike 70/30 in favor of masks in Oaxaca City.

My favorite experience was on the Oaxacan coast, especially Zipolite. I saw maybe 1 out of 100 people (in or out of restaurants or shops) wearing masks... consistent with the fact that it is Mexico's (I think) only nudist beach. Actually, I did see one couple strolling the beach wearing masks. But nothing else...


Looking for frank info on whats currently happening covid-wise in Mexico. We are Cdn retirees whofarm organically and do not want these gene therapy shots. 

- @brumyk2021
 There are no gene therapy vacciines. Who told you that? Get vaccinated.


You understand a vaccine offers protection from getting something.  That is science so calling what they are putting out as vaccines they are not being scientific at all. 

  1. a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
    "every year the flu vaccine is modified to deal with new strains of the virus"
Victor Munoz50


Moderated by Priscilla 2 years ago
Reason : not abiding to the rules of
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Please don't attempt to offer your opinion on" the science" the forum does not offer medical advice or your opinion based on what you think science says. The question was about what are the rules in Mexico.



that is your opinion and didn't answer the question. also don't tell people what to do. The forum does not order people to do things or offer opinions on treatments or science.



@brumyk2021  they don't enforce very much here. If a store or restaurant starts getting anal then I go somewhere else and make sure they know I'll never come back. Lol



So you are handling your issue your way. The stores are just trying to stay in business. Inspectors are hired by the state and if the state rules are not followed the store can get closed for a few days.  It is that simple


@travellight  most people are done with the bull.

Well, apparently not, or There would not have been some aggressive, totally off-topic posts. On the plus side, the majority did manage to just answer the question and addressed what they have observed personally in their neighborhood.
There is only 1 group I see who are still pushing covid.... liberal baby boomers. It's like Crack to them they just can't give it up no matter how the locals want too.
The problems will not be solved with finger-pointing. It tends to divide not bring people together. The fear-driven propaganda uses it as fuel for their agenda. Fear is a toxic motivator and some of those baby boomers are likely on the same side you are. 
But then there is the problem of taking sides. If you are on sides you can't work together. Think about that,

@travellight  agree


@MexicoAfterlife  agree


@brumyk2021  many of us in Ixtapa


Lol I tried multiple  times to get along.  But when they see even half of your nose is out they jump on you.  They have no manners. Heck had them treat me bad because "you don't belong here" yes multiple say that to me.  I'm 48 and now perm retired wither I like it or not.  And they hate me for it.  So don't try that with me.  Me and my wife are happy and that seems to Gaul them even more for some weird reason.  

It's a control issue with the mask and they walk around looking for someone they can jump on for not doing what they want.
I haven't worn one in Canada and I'm not wearing one here.
I suppose that one reason has nothing to do with the mask, but instead it could be because the large influx of expatriates in the region pushes the price of house very high and it means local people will have increasing difficulties to buy a house.


So baby boomers can spread hate because of others moving in? 

So they hold the key to who can move in and when?  

The mexican consulate welcomed me and my wife when we were approved for full time status in denver...... but wait baby boomers don't like it.

Lol defence of that angry abusive baby boomers is funny to read.  We have 40+ years to live here and we will never tell anyone they don't belong.... outside of thise who come illegally.


@alleycat1 lots of info out there you just have to look in the right places.


Yes, there is a lot of info out there about everything. That's why you have to do research and become knowledgeable. Where vast profits are concerned you need to be extremely careful.


that is your opinion and didn't answer the question. also don't tell people what to do. The forum does not order people to do things or offer opinions on treatments or science.


- @travellight
 Gene therapy vaccines do not exist. Not my opinion just a fact. Who told you that information of that type censoring was allowed on this site? Yourself possibly? Lighten up.

There is only 1 group I see who are still pushing covid.... liberal baby boomers. It's like Crack to them they just can't give it up no matter how the locals want too.
- @MexicoAfterlife
 Covid-19 is a Worldwide pandemic you dismiss. Your insulting baby boomers is totally uncalled for and your reasons have already been debunked so you are just not that smart.
The problems will not be solved with finger-pointing. It tends to divide not bring people together. The fear-driven propaganda uses it as fuel for their agenda. Fear is a toxic motivator and some of those baby boomers are likely on the same ... - @travellight
 Your side is ... ? It has to do with stating the truth and not supporting or repeating conspiracy theories in this case here.
The truth ? Bullshit.  What sort of truth ??? So much disinformation circulate among official medias and among the medical environment.


Masks have been medically proven to be next to worthless unless it's a n95 worn properly which requires training. 

And baby boomers are the only people who act hateful in this whole town.  And they freak out about masks.  Heck the local magazine they produce is one of the most hateful things I ever read.

And talking science when you say vaccine..... there is no protection from getting covid from it.  So if it's just a protection from getting to sick it then is a therapy not a vaccine.  Small pocks vaccine works.

If you want to be controlled so be it but those of us who don't leave us alone because if it really is a vaccine then you have no worries about getting covid so stop trying to be my mom because you are not.  And neither is any of the over zealous baby boomers who try to tell everyone else how they should live.

@alleycat1 lots of info out there you just have to look in the right places.

- @brumyk2021
You are not correct. There are NO gene therapy vaccines


"The full statement attributed to Stefan Oelrich is:

“We are really taking that leap [to drive innovation] – us as a company, Bayer – in cell and gene therapies … ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate.”

Stefan Oelrich, member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG and head of the Pharmaceuticals Division, attended the opening of the 2021 World Health Summit (WHS) held Berlin from October 24 to 26.  Official video replay of the event features Stefan Oelrich’s speech starting around the timestamp 1:29:35.

In fact, some authentic sequences of Oelrich’s speech have been taken out of context and distorted to misleadingly claim that mRNA vaccines are gene and cell therapy. Stefan Oelrich’s speech focused on new technologies in the medical field and public trust in these technologies. According to Oelrich, the fact that the  world population has welcomed mRNA vaccines could open the way for new technologies in the medical field such as cell and gene therapy, technologies that Bayer has studied and promoted against diseases such as anemia or Parkinson’s. Oelrich made a comparison between messenger RNA vaccines and gene therapies as an example of technological breakthroughs in the medical field.

Open Fact-checking contacted Bayer, asking for clarification on Stefan Oelrich’s speech at the World Health Summit. Bayer’s official response states that there was an obvious slip of the tongue and that mRNA technology is not gene therapy.

Adam Taylor, a virologist and research fellow at the Menzies Health Institute, Queensland, Griffith University, told Reuters that “gene therapy, in the classical sense, involves making deliberate changes to a patient’s DNA in order to treat or cure them. mRNA vaccines will not enter a cell’s nucleus that houses your DNA genome. There is zero risk of these vaccines integrating into our own genome or altering our genetic makeup.”

Harvard Stem Cell Institute states that “gene therapy involves a process by which problematic gene sequences are replaced with healthy ones, thus stopping the evolution of a disease. Gene therapy is not used in the development of COVID-19 vaccines, since vaccines don’t replace or edit human genes.

According to the Ministry of Health of Romania, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (such as those developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) do not include any compounds that have the ability to modify a person’s DNA. The role of the messenger RNA molecule in the vaccine is to give our cells instructions to produce Spike protein, a protein to which the immune system will react by producing specific antibodies. mRNA do not integrate the virus’ DNA into the cell nucleus of its recipient and decomposes rapidly once it has achieved its goal of producing Spike protein."

This was a response to behavior and how it works. Your response is about something else I'm not even going to respond, except to say your response was rude and uncalled for. What he was talking about was behavior, and pushing their beliefs aggressively. It was not about the medical issue at all, just about pushing propaganda. It's not acceptable to call people stupid or demean baby boomers.

Masks have been medically proven to be next to worthless unless it's a n95 worn properly which requires training. 

And baby boomers are the only people who act hateful ... - @MexicoAfterlife
 You believe Covid-19 is no big deal and clearly state your disgust with those of us who know for certain it is a Worldwide pandemic. My wife and myself in 2020 before vaccines had 8 friends die in the San Luis Potosi INSABI hospital on ventilators from Covid-19. One of my sister in laws, also back in 2020, had Covid-19 and was at home on an oxygen concentrator for 2 months. She has no long term health problems from it. Since the first vaccines 2021, our friend's older sister died of Covid-19. She was around 75.

This was a response to behavior and how it works. Your response is about something else I'm not even going to respond, except to say your response was rude and uncalled for. What he was talking about ... - @travellight
 In that case post much clearer comments.

@alleycat1 you need to do your research better not just accept what you are told


@rochbrisson5 which area are you?

If you could decrease the cost of your flights after paying your monthly all year, I would join.


@MexicoAfterlife amen 🙏

Hello, I'll be interested to follow this discussion since my wife and I are in the same situation and looking to move to the Chiapas in Mexico when the US border will be opened for unvaccinated people. I heard yesterday that they might do it by May 24th. Hopefully!

If your not vacinated you can come to mexico.  We came last year in Oct and neither myself or my wife is vacinated. The mexico government doesn't care.  Come on down its great.

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