Searching for accountant / commercialista in Italy

Greetings everyone!

Can anyone recommend a competent accountant / commercialista here in Italy who is knowledgeable on international and Italian tax laws for expats who are freelancers in Italy working only for foreign companies?

Preferably who speaks fluent english as well.

Thank you and very much appreciated!


I would recommend you contact Gareth:
he lives and works in Rome and is very knowledgeable about taxation, investments etc so should be able to suggest an accountant o at least direct you in the right direction.

Have you looked at the website ''living in Italy'' they have lists of English speaking Dr's, translators and many helpful links and advice.


Hello @susannalee,

I am Giulio, and I'm a chartered accountant in Milan.
I provide tax services in Italy to expat and new residents or enterpreneurs.
Hit me up if you need any clarifications or support in this respect.

I provide also here my website for further informations. where is also possible to set up a preliminary call for the first meeting:

Best Regards

Hi there thank you for the post above so useful - I also am looking for advice on taxation since will be doing freelance work in Milan this September.  Have noted the above comments and am open to any other advice - thank you !
