Ministry of Education and the Hr’s namesake interview

I have passed the MOE science teacher assessment in 2021 and asked to prepare for a demo. I prepared well and to my dismay when the Teams was opened I can see only one person who is the HR ( Kjartan Anthony Joseph Rugby ) and I took my demo in front of him. Even for a low salaried school a number of poeple which represent the school will be there for the interview. And how come in Ministry of Education the Hr will assess our demo? This happened for my friend also. The same Hr came as panelist and he somehow wanted to end the interview as quickly as possible .The result is as expected .. not selected .. So they are doing this interview for a name sake with a clear indication that if this Hr is coming then they wont hire you no matter how much skilled you are.. Pls dont  do this with candidates who have prepared alot  right from the assessment and till the interview .. more than that their hopes..

The Moe should look into it … Have you heard any school no matter how low the standard of that particular school the hr alone is taking interview and hiring any candidate???? No where happens!! Dear candidates so if this person comes means you wont be selected and if you get subject experts means you are selected depends on your demo.. It is as simple as it is

Its unfortunate that you didn't get selected but I don't think it's true as someone else had the HR representative for the interview and received a final offer. Most likely you failed the pre-employment checks or they simply had to decline your application as they had too many applicants.