
Costa Rica now requires vaccine passport as of Dec.1st, 2021

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Living in Costa Rica: the expat guideHOW (step-by-step instructions) to apply for a pensionado visaQuestions for retirement scouting visit in MarchVisiting CR at end of March 2925Private jet from IAD to SJO - Anyone interested?

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That is actually good news, don't know what the blabber is all about


chriscablemaster......Your comment is a classic approach avoidance choke.But you save all that money anyways and not lose it,like so many do.


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Ginger Firestone

I, for one, refuse to get the jab.  If that means no more international travel, so be it.  I guess I'll spend that money locally with cosmetic surgeons instead, getting nips and tucks instead.


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Government just pushed date out to January 8th for not allowing expats  into restaurants without proof of vaccinations.  Its crazy out there.  Restaurants will need to stay at 50% until January 8th...Im sure it will change again

Ginger Firestone

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Ginger Firestone

At least there is still take out.  Got to make the best of things.


If I may request ...
Please post links to medical sites (not political ones) that show supposed medical issues with vaccines are true.
You can oppose vaccines all you like, that's up to you, but you can't post conspiracy stories.


It isn't untested.  Millions of people have had the jab, including me with aa booster and no side effects.



Please note that some misinformation posts have been removed from the forum. Kindly refrain from posting these.


Diksha team


Diksha, you are right of cause. The only question: How do you define what is fake and what not?


The courts stooped it, see today's Tico Times


Local businesses fought this passport QR code
And will not happen December 1.  Hopefully never
The business hired attorneys to fight it because it would cause more financial devastation to a struggling economy

We all need to stop with this Covid Mayhem and let’s move on with life


I apologize I meant to post about the QR requirement being canceled Sunday
I was out to dinner with a attorney who works for the government and she told me that this was put on hold


November 13, 2021

"Breaking: Costa Rica Tourism Industry Wins Injunction Against QR Code Mandate in Court" … 3kpI2D8Vk8


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Henrych wrote:

Diksha, you are right of cause. The only question: How do you define what is fake and what not?

No link to a reasonable site means looking at the validity of a claim is worth the time.

Most of the really stupid stuff (Bill Gates and mind control or 65% of vaccinated people having blood clots) is really easy to bust. Most of that rubbish starts on Facebook or other social media.
The majority of the rest can be traced back in the same way, but suspicion always starts because the claim is so idiotic you have to be brain dead to believe it.
Remember all that 5G towers causing covid stuff? I think they stopped burning towers down because it interrupted their access to Facebook conspiracy sites.


Buh Bye


Costa rica turned down QR code  still not required


Well stated.


wait and see.


this will be our 1rst visit to CR I been once in Dominican Republic
we are a Canadian couple took 2 Vaccine Pfizer so what we need to show at the airport in CR?
is it fine the Vaccine proof on our cell from Canada ? any thing else like is there any ETicket like Dominican is asking for ?
what is the exchange rate for CAD dollars do they accept Canadian dollars to be exchange in CR?what do u suggest thanks


Wow. This thread is full of people who don't believe in science. Sad.
(Yeah, I know: some wack job dr on the internet says the vaccine is bad for you because one in a million gets heart problems - ...
So I just say this:
Let Darwin's Theory sort it out. Science is Science. Conspiracy theories really don't matter.


FYI: Last thing I heard the other day was that the CR government is letting businesses decide:
Require the vaccine QR code and operate at full capacity.
Do not require it and operate at half capacity.
Not sure this is legit and finalized or not, so check it out for yourself.
Pretty sure it's legit.
I think it's a great idea.
SCIENTISTS (legit ones) are saying that the only way we'll BEAT the pandemic is for everyone to get vaxxed. I go with the majority of Scientists, not the 1% or less outliers...


Please avoid conspiracy and anti-vax stuff - Any such posts will be removed

There are way too many problems without adding to them.


Hello everyone,

Please note that some posts have been removed.

As Diksha and Fred mentioned earlier, I would also ask you to avoid any conspiracy posts about vaccines which is leading to unnecessary debate on the forum.


Cheryl team.


Thanks for stopping all the anti-vax BS. Why anyone would not believe in/respect science is beyond me.
To the person above asking about entry requirements from Canada, I have no idea. There is a Costa Rica page on Facebook where you can ask those kinds of questions and get answers quickly.

Your Canadian embassy page should have quite a bit of information about traveling, or call the airline might be even better.


Yes as soon as they realize their Golden goose has left. I’ll never visit or buy there as planned. Absurd. My body my choice and 90+ % treatable.


Cool. Nothing worse than people that don't represent our best.

Costa Rica does not need those people that think they are above the requirement and it's even worse when their choice is selfish and idiotic.

Bbbb Bye



Moderated by Priscilla 3 years ago
Reason : inappropriate comment
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

We just fly out of San Jose and while at the local Marriot there was this fine US citizen walking around without a mask in the hotel while the notification on the door clearly say masks required when in public spaces.

So we get on the elevator and this idiot steps in. I ask him why no mask and he replies he "does not believe in them". Then he goes on to tell me he wore a mask for a year and it obviously did not work since he caught Covid-19. I suspect this genius was a chin strap wearer anyways but what gets me is he should either respect the rules of the establishment or don't use their services.

This is what constantly makes me embarrassed to be from the States. Too many idiots that think they have some special rights over everyone else.


Well said Nancy


Hey admin
Just curious why Surfdog opinions are not getting deleted like the rest of us


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Those that think they are better suited as virologists when not holding the credentials are what? geniuses?

The reason for getting the vaccine is because it's for the better good of society. If it was not for all the people that did not use a mask, maintain social distancing and not head off down right wing rabbit holes we could have solved this Covid problem.


JBuonopane12, I agree with Nancy also. I think many people will be glad to hear that people with those opinions will not be frequenting Costa Rica.

What's your opinion on going into a business that asks you to wear a mask? Are you above that and blatantly still enter the business? Just curious.

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