Information that can be useful to make life easier in Portugal

Livro de Reclamações - Complaints Book / Portugal

All portuguese suppliers of goods or services that carry out a professional activity in a fixed or permanent establishment in contact with the public (customers) are required to have a Complaints Book. If you feel you have been damaged/affected regarding the good or service you have purchased, you have the right to submit a complaint by using this book.

Once the complaint form has been filled out, the good/service supplier (or employee of the establishment) must separate both the original and duplicate complaint form from this book. The 2nd copy must be handed over immediately to the complainant, and the original must be sent within 10 days by the good/service supplier to the competent authority (Regulator). The 3rd copy must remain in the complaints book.

The supplier of goods or services is now under the obligation to display, in a clearly visible place and in easily legible lettering, the indication that it is available for its customers the complaints book and the identification of the competent authority that will examine the complaints:

"Este Estabelecimento dispõe de Livro de Reclamações"
("This Shop/Restaurant/.... has a Complaints Book").

If you write in any other language than Portuguese it has to be well readable in order to be able to translate it.

Complaint tracking:

All public and private services have a complaints book.

If you have noticed any lack of quality in the service provided, lack of politeness, lack of proper cleanliness, unjustified delays, non-delivery of payment receipt with your NIF/tax number, ... you may always report a complaint.

If you do not complain in the physical book with the red cover, you can do it online.
If there is no available book or they don't want to make it available, you should report it to the authorities.

The customer can follow up the status of his complaint online:

After a number of warnings the business will have to pay a heavy fine, and after several serious complaints they will be forced to close its business.

Remember that only when we complain in a legal way do we make the others better :)


Online Complaints Book:

Since 1 July 2017, the Complaints Book has two formats: the physical one (red cover book) and the electronic one which has a platform with the following access:

This platform is available in portuguese and english.


Regulatory Entities by Activity Sector:

The Complaint Book' cover should identify the Authority that will deal with complaints. These authorities are credible and independent of the supplier of the good or service.


1. ANACOM examines the complaints about Telecom services (Meo, Vodafone, Nos, Nowo). … nguageId=1

2. ASAE examines the complaints about hotels, restaurants, fruits markets, bakkeries, supermarkets, gyms, health clubs, etc. … acoes.aspx

3. INFARMED examines the complaints concerning pharmacies/parapharmacies.

4. Banco de Portugal analyses the complaints about any Bank operating in Portugal.

5. Health Regulator (ERS - Entidade Reguladora da Saúde) examines complaints about Public or Private Hospitals & Clinics.

6. IMPIC examines complaints about Real Estate and Construction Businesses.

7. (...) … doras.aspx … tente.aspx


Additional info: … uma-queixa … -preencher … eclamacoes … eclamacoes … entes.aspx


To see the cover of the complaints book, please see the images by searching on Google:
"Livro de Reclamações Portugal"

Exchange a foreign driving licence for a portuguese one

Updated 2022

You have official information here from Portuguese Government Online.

You must fill out the online form and wait for IMT's indication to go to an IMT desk. Once in the desk to register your driving test application, your biometric data will also be collected. … portuguesa


Additional info (probably before 2022)

Citizens residing in Portugal with a foreign driving licence can, since 1 October 2020, exchange their foreign driving licence to a portuguese one through the online service available on the IMTonline portal.

This service available in portuguese and english, allows citizens residing in Portugal to submit their request and all required documents through the IMTonline. Later, a visit to a IMT office will be scheduled to check out your identity and collect your biometric data, thus completing this procedure in a secure way. … 02020.aspx … ngeiros-en

(A) Applying for Driving Licence Exchange

A1. Driving licences issued by EU or EEA (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein)

You can drive in Portugal on an EU driving licence until it expires.You must register your address in Portugal with IMT services within 60 days of settling in Portugal. There is no charge for this service. … -situation


A2. Driving licences issued by countries:

A21. with which Portugal has a bilateral agreement for the recognition and exchange of driving licences

Andora, Angola, United Arab Emirates, Cape Verde, Morocco, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe, Switzerland, Brazil

A22. or countries signatories to one of the international traffic conventions

Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, Botswana, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Vatican, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Republic of South Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago , Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.

A21 & A22: … -situation

You can drive in Portugal, as a tourist, with a driving licence issued by a country covered by the agreements mentioned above, for a period of 185 days following your entry into Portugal and providing you are not intending to settle here.

If you take up residence in Portugal, you must take into account the following deadlines, counting from the day you obtained the residence permit:

• Up to 90 days, you can continue to drive with a foreign driver's licence, but you must file an exchange request with the IMT

• After the initial 90 days and up to 2 years, you can file the exchange request at the IMT, but you can no longer drive in Portugal with the foreign driver's licence

• After 2 years, you cannot drive with a foreign driving licence and if you want to exchange it for a Portuguese driving licence, you are subject to a driving test (practical test) and you must pass.


A3. Driving licences issued in countries that are not contracting parts to international traffic conventions

These driving licences are not valid for driving in Portugal. You can apply to exchange your licence for one issued by IMT but you will have to meet the exchange requirements and pass a practical driving test for each vehicle category you wish to drive. … -situation


A1 & A2 & A3:

Send form filled in and your scanned documents to:
It is not required to send a copy of your electronic medical certificate. After being issued by your doctor, medical certificate will be automatically sent to IMT services.

Then you will receive an e-mail with a ATM payment reference (Entity + Reference, option payment services at ATM/ Multibanco system) to pay 30 eur.

Then IMT will send you a message to schedule you an appointment at the IMT office near your residence area where you will have to go to collect your biometric data (signature + photo) and to confirm your personal data. They will ask you to mail your old driving licence to IMT headquarters in Lisbon where it will be destroyed.

After all this, they will send the driving licence by mail to your home.

(B) If you don't get an answer after (A) try to make an appointment by using an IMT e-mail near your residence area

(PDF document) … C4vt_ieSPV

Driving License Renewal in Portugal

You need your número de contribuinte and password from the portaldasfinancas website to register for IMT Online. After login, you can renew your driving licence.

Renewal / Replacement / 2nd copy



More info:

Documents and Procedures … entos.aspx … dacao.aspx

When do I need to renew my driving licence and at what ages is a health certificate required?

(PDF documents)

If you are a vehicle driver for categories AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B and BE, cyclomotors and agriculture tractors: … GP%201.pdf

If you are a vehicle driver for categories C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D and DE, as well as for categories B and BE and you drive ambulances/emergency vehicles, fire brigade vehicles, patient transport vehicles, school transport vehicles, collective child transport vehicles or rental passenger vehicles: … GP%202.pdf


You can translate PDF into English using a Doctranslator, such as:

Some remarks on Rental/Lease Contracts in Portugal

The following post is intended to help expats signing a Rental/Lease Agreement/Contract:

A. Before the Rental Contract
B. Rental Contract
C. After signing the Contract … 93#5075332


Anyone who is interested in buying or renting a property in Portugal should ideally look for the property by yourself in some of the websites available. In Portugal, there is a huge offer of properties, at various prices and for different market targets.

You should not be limited only by a real estate agency/consultant or a house suggestion

Most real estate consultants in Portugal speak a good English. Ideally these links suggested here (or others you will find out), allow you to start your search, get an idea of what you want in terms of prices and locations, and only after that, you should contact one or more real estate agencies.  :top:

"They will ask you to mail your old driving licence to IMT headquarters in Lisbon where it will be destroyed."

is this a requirement for EU citizens only , or non-EU citizens also ?

how come IMT can destroy a driving license issued by non-EU country ?

what if we apply a replaced DL at our home country

Registration Certificate for Citizens of the EU/EEA/Switzerland

(Certificado de Registo/Residência para Cidadão da UE/EEE/Suíça)
Click on the green box "Right to live in Portugal of EU Nationals and Families"

The Registration Certificate is the document that formalizes the right of residence in Portugal and must be applied for by any EU/EEA/Switzerland citizen that remains in Portugal for a period exceeding three months. If the period of stay is inferior to three months it only mandatory to hold a valid Identity Card or Passport.

Who may apply?
All citizens from the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

Where can I apply?
Check for: The Local Council of your place of residence.

When can I apply?
Once the first three months of you entering the country are over, you have a period of 30 days during which you must apply for the Registration Certificate.

What do I need to apply?

Documents and Requirements:
1. A valid Identity Card / Passport;
2. A written Affidavit declaring that you have a Professional activity as a worker or as self-employed in Portugal; or An Affidavit, declaring that you have sufficient funds for you and for your family, and that you are covered by health insurance when the same applies to Portuguese citizens in your country of origin;

If you are a student:
3. An Affidavit declaring that you are enrolled in an officially recognised school either public or private, and documental evidence – by means of an Affidavit or by other means of proof of your choice - that you hold sufficient funds to support yourself and your family, that you are covered by health insurance when the same applies to Portuguese citizens in your country of origin.

What does it cost?
€ 15,00

What is the time frame to meet the request?
As a rule, this Certificate is issued immediately upon request.


Additional information:
Certificate of Residency for EU citizens is a document issued by the Local Parish / "Junta de Freguesia" in main towns/ "Câmara Municipal" (town hall) in small towns, which proves you live where you say. Each Câmara Municipal often require a different list of requirements.

Usually, it also requires:
- proof of your address (a mortgage statement or tenancy agreement), i.e. evidence of adequate accommodation (property title deed, rental/lease agreement);
- two local residents to vouch for your identity.

How to register your imported vehicle in Portugal and get portuguese registration number plates

he details of the vehicle's registration (new or second hand vehicle) are recorded on the DUA (Documento Uníco Automóvel) or "All-in-One Card". This replaces the Vehicle Ownership Registration (Titulo de Registo de Propriedade), Licence Plate (Matrícula) and Log Book (Livrete) card.

About DUA (Documento Uníco Automóvel):
- Who can apply
- How to apply
- How much it costs
- Where to order … -matricula

DUA must be carried in the car at all times.


DUA request can be done through IRN offices, Citizens' Shops (Lojas do Cidadão) or Online:

A. Local Civil Registry Offices, i.e. IRN (Instituto dos Registos e Notariado).

Contact details for IRN Offices with competence to perform vehicle-related documents: … s-das4454/


B. Citizens' Shops (Lojas do Cidadão)

Staff at the Citizens' Shops can help in english with all matters concerning vehicles and registration.

Contact details for Citizens' Shops: … as-do7505/


C. Online … vel-online

With Automóvel On-line you can request several vehicle registration acts through the Internet and receive at your residence/company, the Registration Certificate/Unique Automobile Document (DUA). In this website it is possible to:

- Submit an online form to register the ownership change of a motor vehicle (for example, to register the new owner as a result of the purchase of a new or second-hand car) and other registration acts on vehicles and their trailers;

- Check out the application status after it has been submitted;


The online registry request can only be submitted by anyone who has the digital certificate of the Citizen's Card (portuguese citizens only). Expats can use this service as well but providing this request is submitted by lawyers, car dealers or solicitors that hold this digital certificate.

Regarding professional services to these matters, you can always require a Solicitor. The Solicitor represents and advises/guides citizens and companies, towards public administration agencies, including Social Security. in the following link, you can easily find one near where you live:

Solicitadores / Portuguese Solicitors
(Search by Solicitor's Name, District, County, Town)


D. Hire a car documentation agency

These agencies allows some agility and speed in almost all related bureaucratic processes:

- taxes

- legalizations

- imports

- registrations

It is a paid service that allows you to save time and hassles. Cost depends on the type of service you require.

To find a car documentation agency:

D1. Search on Google for "agência de documentação automóvel" + municipality (written in portuguese, eg. Lisboa, not Lisbon)

D2. Or you can search this list for the municipality/"Concelho" in which you live in Portugal and choose one of the agencies you will find there. Municipalities are in alphabetical order. … cumentacao

You should copy the name of the agency you have chosen, and then paste it to search on Google to get address, phone numbers, since this list does not provide any contact details.

If through Google you can also get their website, access it to get additional information such as email, and what services that agency offers.

D3. You can also try ACP (Portuguese automobile association) … e-veiculos

But ACP does not have offices in all portuguese municipalities.

Where to find a ACP agency (choose distrito at left combo box):

Besides that, it is a private entity like other mentioned above in D1 & D2. It is not ACP that legalizes your car. ACP, as any other agency, deals with public entities (except inspection phase) concerning all procedures such as:

- Vehicle's inspection

- Vehicle's homologation (IMT)

- Vehicle Customs Declaration (DAV) and Vehicle Tax (ISV) (Finanças)

- Vehicle's register to issue the DUA (Single Automobile Document) (Conservatória do Registo Automóvel)

Residence Card for third-country nationals who are family members of EU/EEA/Switzerland nationals

If you are a third-country national wishing to accompany your EU/EEA/Switzerland national family member in Portugal for a period of more than three months, please apply for an EU/EEA/Switzerland national's family member's Residence Card. … D=63#p_id3

The Residence Card, which formalizes the right of residence in Portugal, must be requested if the third country family member stays in Portugal for a period over three months.

The right to enter, stay and reside in Portugal covers the citizens of the EU countries, the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, as well as their family members.

Family members who are nationals of a third country who are not residing in Portugal are admitted to national territory upon presentation of a valid passport and are only subject to the obligation of an entry visa under the terms in force in the EU. Therefore, before entering in Portugal they must go to the Portuguese consular office where they are residing in order to validate the necessary requirements.

Portuguese consular offices: … e-consular

Here you can choose the Country where your non-EU family member resides, with the country's name in portuguese (!). In the top right menu, you can choose the Continent, the Country....

Who can apply?
Family member of a citizen of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the Principality of Andorra and Switzerland who is a national of a third State if:

1. Spouse
2. Children up to the age of 21
3. Descendants over 21 years old that are dependants
4. Dependent ascendants

Where can I apply?
At the SEF offices, by appointment.
(See below: Scheduling prior to SEF)

When can I apply?
Within 30 days after three months of entering in Portugal, by appointment.

What do I need to apply?
Documents and requirements:
1. Scheduling prior to SEF;
2. Citizens' identification document of the EU/EEA/Switzerland citizen they are accompanying or joining (Registration Certificate, Residence Card or Identity Card);
3. Two photographs;
4. Valid and updated passport;
5. Proof of dependent family members (when applicable);

If married:
6. Full narrative birth certificate or marriage certificate.

If they are in a non-marital partnership:
7. Birth certificates of both and document proving the common life for at least 2 years;

If it is a descendant:
8. Birth certificate
9. Over 21 years old - school registration and other proofs;

If stepchild:
10. Birth certificate and residence card of the parent;

If ascendant of EU/EEA/Switzerland citizen:
11. EU/EEA/Switzerland citizen's birth certificate
12. If ascendant (until 65 years old) - IRS with indication of dependants; as well as other documents that prove that they are dependants (as for example: bank transfers to the country of origin, declaration of the State of origin stating that they do not receive any pension or financial support);

If ascendant of the husband/wife of the EU/EEA/Switzerland citizen:
13. Birth certificate of the spouse of the EU citizen and residence card of the spouse of the EU citizen
14. If ascendant (up to 65 years old) - IRS stating dependents, as well as other documents proving dependents (for example: bank transfers to the country of origin, declaration of the State of origin stating that does not receive any pension or financial support);

(IRS = Annual income tax declaration)

Residence Card application form for a third-country national family member of an EU/EEA/Switzerland national:

(PDF​ document) … liares.pdf

You can translate PDF into English using a Doctranslator, such as:

How much does it cost?
€ 15,00
€ 7.50 - for children under six years of age

What are the deadlines for the service?
Three months after the request (maximum period).

Family reunion and SEF appointment:

Scheduling prior to SEF:
(landline) - 808 202 653
(mobile network) - 808 962 690           
E-mail -
Opening hours - Working days, from 08h00 to 20h00

Online Scheduling:

Please note:

Be aware that you will need to wait several months to an appointment:

How to make a Inheritance Certificate in Portugal

A. Obtaining the Birth / Marriage / Death Certificates

A1. If death of one of the parents, or birth of any of the children of the couple (or other lawful heirs of the deceased parent) or parents' marriage took place abroad: a translation of each of those certificates must be made into Portuguese. Each translation must be certified.

A2. If death of one of the parents, or the birth of any of the couple's children (or other lawful heirs of the deceased parent) or the parents' marriage occurred in Portugal:

Each birth/marriage certificate costs 10 eur.
Anyone can request these certificates, provided they are duly identified. You can request these certificates here: … Online.jsp

B. Where to get a Inheritance Certificate

B1. If you do it abroad:

You must inquire in detail at one of the Portuguese Consulates in your residence country … e-consular

but most likely:

B1A. If you do not have a Inheritance Certificate yet, you can do it abroad, in one of the Portuguese Consulates, by having all the certificates (birth / marriage / death certificates) translated into portuguese. Each translation must be certified.

B1B. If you already have the Inheritance Certificate in any language other than portuguese, you will have to get a certified translation into portuguese and present the original and the corresponding certified translation at one of the Portuguese Consulates.

B2. If you are doing it in Portugal:

A Inheritance Certificate (in Portuguese) can be made at a Portuguese notary by having all the Certificates translated into Portuguese. A Inheritance certificate costs between 150 eur and 200 eur.

You can choose the notary here: … aNotarios/
(You must select District / City. Then by selecting a notary you will get his phone/fax and email.

The head of the inheritance (which will be one of the children, or the spouse still alive (*)), must go to a notary in Portugal with:
- Death certificate of the deceased parent, depending on the case (mother, father or both) / Death certificate of the deceased spouse depending on the case (*)
- Parents' marriage certificate / marriage certificate (*)
- Birth certificates of all children of the couple and, if there are any, of all other heirs of the deceased parent/spouse (*)
- all identification documents of the couple's children/other heirs of the deceased parent/spouse (*)

If there is a Will, you will need to find out more about how to proceed.
Another legitimate heir could be, for example, a child of only one of the parents who has now deceased.

Before going to Portugal, the head of the inheritance must choose a notary in Portugal, sending an email with a request for an appointment to make this inheritance Certificate, and with all this documentation scanned. If any documents are missing, notary will inform you in advance, so that there are no problems when the head of the inheritance arrives in Portugal.

You have 90 days from the date of the parent'death / spouse'death (*) to submit this Inheritance Certificate in portuguese at the Portuguese Tax Authority (Finanças). This application can be done in person by one of the lawful heirs.


Further Information: … gistos-IRN … -e-registo … os-heranca … ros-618756

Certified translation:
A "notarised" translation means that the document has been attested and is legally valid. In certified translations, the certified translator certifies that the translated documents have the same value as the original ones.

How to make a Inheritance Certificate in Portugal (cont.)

Adding info to my previous post:

As I mentioned in my previous post, you have 90 days from the date of death to submit this Inheritance Certificate (Certificado de Habilitação de Herdeiros) to the AT / Finanças Office, along with the bank statements of the banks where the deceased was client. If you exceed this deadline, you will be subject to a fine.

As for cars, real estate (land, houses), ... AT tax authority has all this information, there is no need to provide any documents.

The important thing is the bank statements on the date of death with all the movements made in the 6 months prior to death. You will need the certificate of Inheritance and the deceased person's death certificate to request these statements to the banks.

The stamp duty declaration that the AT will give you, should then be presented to the banks, so that deposits are no longer locked (they become locked when you ask for the statement with movements that will be presented to the AT...). Other current account holders are partially prevented from handling the funds deposited in these accounts. Partially, because locked amount concerns the deceased holder's weight in the account. Eg. If an account has 2 account holders, only 50% of the amount remains locked. If an account has 5 account holders, only 20% of the amount remains locked.

New amendments can later be made to this stamp duty declaration at the AT office, if other assets appear that need to be declared.

Electricity bill

The electricity bill is divided into the following parts: Fixed amount + Energy consumed + Taxes

1. Fixed amount (= network access tariff)

This is the tariff we pay for the contracted electricity power we have at home. Put simply, this power is what limits how many things we can have connected at one time.

This power is measured in kVA and is charged through a daily price. The higher the power, the higher the price. You can look up the power you have contracted on your invoice.

Are you paying more than you need to?

EDP has a simulator with the average power values of household appliances turn on at the same time, so you can get an idea of the power you need at your home. … -potencia/

Changing the contracted electricity power is Free of Charge, you just need to contact your electricity supplier (EDP contact center: 808 53 53 53 or 213 53 53 53 )

Eg. EDP network access tariff
If you hire 3.45 kVA, you pay 90,301 € /year + 23% VAT = 111,07 €/year = 9,26 €/month

If you hire 6.9 kVA, you pay 157,388 €/year + 23% VAT = 193,58 €/year = 16,13 €/month


2. Energy consumed and related taxes

Since 1 December 2020, VAT on electricity was reduced from 23% to 13%, but only for the first 100 kWh consumed and for those with a contractual power of 6.9 kVA or less.

Eg. If you consume 110 kWh from EDP (for contractual power 3.45 kVA), you pay for the electricity consumed: 

EDP (August, 2021): 1 kWh = 0,14450 €

EUR consumption = ( (100 kWh x €/kWh ) + 13% VAT ) + ( (10 kWh x €/kWh ) + 23% VAT )
                                =  16,3285 + 1,7773 = 18,11 €

3. Discounts

If you have direct debit (débito direto) and a PDF invoice (factura electrónica) sent to your email, energy providers usually apply 2% discount on the total value.


Additional Info:

EDP Power kVA:

Electricity and natural gas prices in Portugal (kWh) by provider:

Comparing electricity providers: which is the cheapest? … ais-barata

What is charged on the EDP electricity bill? … /faq-4669/

"Efatura" & "Lucky Invoice" lottery - What is it?

Asking for your NIF on your purchases has benefits for you and for the Portuguese State.

Electricity bill
(Cont. post #12)

You can simulate prices of electricity, gas and electricity + gas :

(You can switch to english in the top right corner of the screen)

** This post has been deleted because it is no longer applicable. **

ISV - Vehicle Tax Simulator (ISV = Imposto Sobre Veículos)

Cont. post #8 … 33#5099337

ISV or Imposto Sobre Veículos is a tax charged on motor vehicles subject to taxation in Portugal. The ISV amount depends on e.g. CO2 emission, engine capacity or even fuel used. The amount of ISV payable differs from case to case and must therefore be calculated and assessed individually. 

Simulator: … #principal

You must fill in the cylinder capacity box and then the whole form will appear. At the end of the form you will see the ISV amount you have to pay and the explanation of this amount right underneath with the subtotals taxes. A distinction is made between EU and non-EU countries.



People who live in another country and transfer their legal residence to Portugal may be entitled to an exemption from vehicle tax (ISV) if they bring a vehicle with them.

Find out more about this exemption here: (translation required) (Portuguese Government Website) … a-portugal

Portal das Finanç (Portuguese Tax Authority Website)
https://info-aduaneiro.portaldasfinanca … n-res.aspx

thank you

Requesting and consulting criminal records in Portugal (certificado de registo criminal)

Citizens over 16 years old can request the certificate of criminal record.

Foreign citizens may authorize SEF to access their criminal record:
Foreign citizens who wish to apply for or renew a residence permit in Portugal do not need a certificate of criminal record. They can authorise the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) to access their register, without the need to go to the criminal records offices.

In the processes of nationality and name change, there is no need to ask for the certificate of criminal record to be delivered to the Registry Office (Conservatória do Registo Criminal). The Registry Office accesses the services directly. … de-pessoas


For this online access, it is necessary to have a Portuguese citizen card or be a solicitor/lawyer in Portugal (i.e application of certificates by third parties) … _locale=en


Attendance services (contacts)
Application for criminal record certificate of a natural person
Residents abroad
Application for criminal record certificate of a legal person
Personal Authentication with Portugues Citizen Card or Digital Mobile Key
Application of certificates by third parties
Deadline for the issuing
The Portuguese criminal record certificate document and its authentication
Browse Certificate

Debtors List

If you are a property owner in Portugal and you intend to rent it, or you intend to do any kind of business with someone, you can check the NIF of a portuguese person or of other nationalities to know if they have tax or social security debts in Portugal. This is a free access available to everyone. NIF may be of a private individual (contribuintes/pessoas singulares) or a company (contribuintes/pessoas colectivos):

Debtors list to the portuguese tax authority (free access):

Debtors list to the portuguese social security (free access):

Ok thanks. Useful !


Report animal abuse:

Núcleo de Intervenção e Resgate Animal (IRA) -
BriPA (Brigada de Protecção Ambiental da PSP) - 21 765 4242 /
SEPNA (Serviços de Protecção da Natureza da GNR) - 808 200 520 /

Intervenção e Resgate Animal (IRA)

Liga Portuguesa dos Direitos do Animal (LPDA)


SOS Animal

Importing goods / Customs fees & VAT

(Non-EU countries)

Importing goods … 16#5064099

(Posts #3 & #4)

Customs fees (taxas alfandegárias) & VAT (IVA)

IVA normal    = 23% (22% Azores & Madeira)

IVA intermédio = 13% (12% Azores & Madeira)

IVA reduzido   = 6%  (4% Azores & 5% Madeira)

Eg. Computer

Regarding a computer, if it has less than 10 kg, customs taxes are 0%, VAT is 23%. If you have the purchase invoice you can avoid paying this VAT. … uencia.pdf

(PDF doc)

Computador portátil (até 10 Kgs)

Codigo pautal 8471 30 00

Direitos alfandegários 0%

Iva normal = 23%


Additional info:

Importação de bens / Portal das Finanças … tacao.aspx

Insert código pautal = 84713000 (in this case)

Press "Pesquisar"

Hey JohnnyPT
Thank you for responding
Very much appreciated
This info is very helpful
Best regards

Electric cars - Charging stations and apps

Thank you so much for this. Incredibly generous.


Access to the National Health System

Private Healthcare System in Portugal

Real State Agencies/Websites/Portals in Portugal

Renting Management Companies (Short/Long-Term Rentals)

Real Estate Website Portals, post #4 … 93#5069701

Large Real Estate Companies Websites, post #7 … 93#5069710

Documents to be aware of when buying a Property in Portugal

Complain about misconduct by real estate agents

If you want to complain about misconduct by real estate agents, instead of complaining here and generalising to the whole country, just because you had a bad experience with an estate agent in particular, you can complain to IMPIC, which is the agency that deals with complaints about real estate agencies in Portugal.

Gov official website about how to make a complaint to IMPIC : … mobiliaria

Complain here : … uma-queixa

Please use your browser translator.

Mail Redirection - CTT Post Office

Redirection your mail to another address / Reencaminhar correio para outra morada: … tra-morada

Form to fullfill: … pment.jspx


Keep your mail at a CTT Post Office / Retenção do correio numa Loja CTT: … r-loja-ctt

Form to fullfill: … 9_Edit.pdf

Payment of exclusively electronic tolls on Portuguese highways

If you do not have a ViaVerde* identifier, register on the CTT Correios website and save your number plates in the client area to receive notifications when you have tolls to pay. Avoid fines if you forget to pay these tolls.

Fines can be exorbitant, e.g. fine = amount of toll × 100 ... … -portagens

How it works:

- Register or login

- Access your Client Area: In your Client Area, consult the tab “Veículos com portagens a pagamento” / "Vehicles with toll payment" so that you can manage your notifications

- Save your number plates: Save and consult all information regarding tolls to pay about your number plates

- Receive notifications: You will be notified via email and in your CTT Client Area whenever you have tolls to pay associated with your number plates


- You can pay the toll at you CTT Post Office, but only during the 15 days following the use of the highway.

- These notifications only work for those who have cars with Portuguese plates

- * Join Via Verde: Makes it easy to pay on Highways, Parkings, Electric Charging, Drive-thru, Ferries, ... … ntificador


Portuguese Tolls (FAQs): … frequentes

Once again: a one-man information bureau on all things.

Thank heaven for people like yourself willing to give of your time!

Portuguese Tax Representation no longer required for non-EU residents

As of July 1st 2022, anyone with a Portuguese tax number (NIF) living outside of the EU, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein, were required to hire a fiscal representative, regardless of whether they have tax obligations in Portugal or not. Now, those with no tax obligations within Portugal no longer need a tax representative, despite having a NIF.

Furthermore, those with tax obligations in Portugal (such as owning property, investments, or other assets in the country), can waive their requirement for fiscal representation by registering with the Portuguese Finance Portal's new electronic notification system. … residents/ … ugal/67784

How to pay your IUC car tax (portuguese number plate)

Pay your car's annual tax "IUC - Imposto único de circulação", here: … ntregarIUC

- Select "Pesquisar"

- Select the number plate of your car

- Select "Emitir"

- Select " Emitir para pagamento" (Issue for payment)

- Select " Imprimir documento" (Print document)

- In the PDF document there is the Multibanco reference for payment. You can pay at the ATM Multibanco, or in your homebanking in the option "Pagamentos / Pagamentos ao Estado".

How to get an inland fishing licence (rivers and dams)

(Licença de Pesca Desportiva)

You can get your inland fishing licence issued by the ICNF (INSTITUTO DA CONSERVAÇÃO DA NATUREZA E DAS FLORESTAS). You can get this licence at an ATM/Multibanco (option "Licença de Pesca Desportiva") or at an ICNF service point.

Choose an ICNF service point and ask all your questions, by e-mail or in person :

ICNF fishing licence : … interiores

ICNF points of service :

Driving of foreign plated cars: … n-portugal … -portugal/



Easy tolls: … iras/index

(CTT is the Post Offices in Portugal. You can subscribe this service at their branches) … vel-online

How change your address at portaldasfinancas website:

If you are a EU citizen, you can change your address on the Portaldasfinancas website.

Step 1: Request a change of address

Firstly, log in to the Portaldasfinancas with your NIF and password;

Then go to the "Finanças – Aceda aos Serviços Tributários" area;

Click on the "Serviços" section;

Under "Dados Cadastrais", where "Morada" is located, choose the option "Entregar pedido de alteração";

Log again in to the portal with your NIF and password;

Enter the new address, confirm all the details and click on "Submeter".

Once you have submitted your request online, you will have to wait for a letter containing a confirmation code to arrive by post at the address you provided. This usually takes around five working days.

Step 2: Confirm the change of address

Once you have received the letter mentioned above, you should log back into the Portaldasfinancas.

Click on "Finanças – Aceda aos Serviços Tributários";

Go to the "Serviços" area, followed by "Dados Cadastrais";

Select the "Confirmar Morada" option;

Enter the activation code you received in the post.

Once you have completed this last step, your tax address will finally have been changed.