Looking for Job

Hi there,

I am from the U.K. and currently living in Catalunya, Barcelona. I am in need of work preferably as a personal trainer as that's my passion and what I'm qualified in but am pretty much open to anything from dog walking, cleaning, etc. Does anybody have any advice? Would be very helpful!

Kind regards,


Hello Hannah,

Welcome on our forum, hope you'll enjoy it.

It is not my region. But I'm sure there are newspapers / websites / temp agencies / sports clubs / ... that you could prospect.

But it's up to you to create a hiring speech that will make people want to hire you rather than someone from the region.

Hi Phipiemar,

Thanks for getting back to me and making me feel welcome :)

You're right! I've already created and ad for personals training which I have posted but I am also up for other offers (such as working at a gym) and other jobs I have listed.

Kind regards,
