COVID-19 and expatriation in Hungary

Cynic wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Just heard on a news conference that for inbound UK travellers it's back to PCR day 2 tests with isolation until a negative result is obtained.

It's a possibility that similar situation will occur in the EU considering the number of countries reporting Omicron.

So just before Xmas, travel is going to be slowed down and for some stopped.

It would not surprise me if the EU recommended a cessation of all non-essential travel from the UK to anywhere in the EU; of course, it will be up to the individual members whether they follow the advice.

I agree.

I can see another lockdown coming in or at least banning "unconnected" travellers from here - non Hungarians and foreigners without residence permits.  We're already on masks again. I also see NL has now moved to close pubs/cafes by 17h each day.   That's quite bad. 

I don't see how any of it could be sustainable if further measures are brought back in.  Economics were just beginning to come back and we could be back to square one.  Some airlines could go bust.  Be a huge hit. 

On the face of it UK travellers only have to do the Day 2 test, so at least it's not like before with pre-testing.  At least not yet.  And only for 3 weeks so far - obviously gathering some data (PCR test data is centrally pooled in the UK).    Boosters being ramped up.  Sounds plausible and precautionary.

I reckon it's just all bad news. And top of this Omicron variant, its going to rain all day tomorrow and Latvian defence minister said there's a possibility Putin will invade Belarus in the Xmas period.  That's a cheerful thought.

Perhaps I made a mistake, but we are due to move to Turkey in two weeks time, what will we encounter I wonder. Looking back to sell property in August and looking at the Covid situation now, I would have waited, but decision is decision, I hope things will be OK.
Both me and my wife had our booster (but will it work?)

cdw057 wrote:

Perhaps I made a mistake, but we are due to move to Turkey in two weeks time, what will we encounter I wonder. Looking back to sell property in August and looking at the Covid situation now, I would have waited, but decision is decision, I hope things will be OK.
Both me and my wife had our booster (but will it work?)

The booster was always a good idea.  But there's no data on Omicron effectiveness. People infected don't seem to be ill if they've been vaccinated.

Moving to Turkey, not so sure.  Owning property, definitely wouldn't do that. Latvian Defence Minister said that Ukraine is being heavily supported by Turkey to help with the threat from Russia.  Obviously the Black Sea is of major significance to all those countries and Turkey is a huge contributor to NATO.   

Had we known Orban would be in charge for 10 years at some point and was going to steadily dismantle democracy and freedoms,  would we have been here?  Hard to say?  Like all politicians, they go stale, lose focus and have no innovation and stuck in a time loop of 10+ years ago.  That's to say, they run out of ideas  and eventually become extremists with stupid ideas and find nowhere to go.  So OV days are numbered anyway. 

Obviously there's a parallel with Erdogan. He's the same - he's facing a revolt because he's gone stale and lost the plot.   His supporters are being hit very hard in their pockets and their wealth is being destroyed. There's no way he can survive it long term.  Not without becoming a dictator more than he is already.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Just heard on a news conference that for inbound UK travellers it's back to PCR day 2 tests with isolation until a negative result is obtained.

It's a possibility that similar situation will occur in the EU considering the number of countries reporting Omicron.

So just before Xmas, travel is going to be slowed down and for some stopped.

Looks like Isreal will not be allowing any non residents in.
Just the begining of  more travel bans.
They plan on,"tweeking" the current vaccines for the new variant.
Seems to me they are moving fast like they knew it was coming.
I'm still waiting for them to get it right before getting a jab.
So far it seems as it will never end.
How many jabs do they actually have planned for everyone?
How much can a person take before the shots do them in?
Omicron, the name sounds like a planet from another galaxy or something out of Star Trek.
I'm sorry for those who had holiday travel plans.
Again, we are living in a time when it's best to have no plans.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Looks like Isreal will not be allowing any non residents in.


Marilyn Tassy wrote:

They plan on,"tweeking" the current vaccines for the new variant.
Seems to me they are moving fast like they knew it was coming.
I'm still waiting for them to get it right before getting a jab.

Well, it was a bit obvious. The virus has been mutating as you would expect of any virus that has become so widespread. I would be a lot more shocked if Israel (and others) hadn't planned ahead so they would be ready for mutations

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I'm still waiting for them to get it right before getting a jab.

That's never. However, you may get seriously ill or die whilst you wait for the impossible.

I made choices based on best options rather than playing Russian roulette. Yes, I could have waited, but I decided that was a really bad idea.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Just heard on a news conference that for inbound UK travellers it's back to PCR day 2 tests with isolation until a negative result is obtained.

It's a possibility that similar situation will occur in the EU considering the number of countries reporting Omicron.

So just before Xmas, travel is going to be slowed down and for some stopped.

Looks like Isreal will not be allowing any non residents in.
Just the begining of  more travel bans.
They plan on,"tweeking" the current vaccines for the new variant.
Seems to me they are moving fast like they knew it was coming.
I'm still waiting for them to get it right before getting a jab.
So far it seems as it will never end.
How many jabs do they actually have planned for everyone?
How much can a person take before the shots do them in?
Omicron, the name sounds like a planet from another galaxy or something out of Star Trek.
I'm sorry for those who had holiday travel plans.
Again, we are living in a time when it's best to have no plans.

There was a Star Trek Voyager episode called The Omega Directive. Apparently the Borg enjoyed its symmetry despite its destructive nature.  The Borg based slinky Seven of Nine was in awe of it.   We should all be in awe of Seven despite her Borg'ness. I can see that episode (Season 4, ep 21) is on Netflix.

Omicron doesn't seem to fit sequentially with the naming scheme. It should have been called Epsilon as that was next up after Delta.  There was banter about it being Nu but that would have caused problems with Nu new variant. Or the old Nu variant next time.

Everyone should get themselves vaccinated regardless of the variants around.  It's all about lowering ones overall risk.  I can see a time coming where a full range of vaccinations being required for all persons travelling across a border.  It'll start to become integrated into a passport or travel document.

fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Just heard on a news conference that for inbound UK travellers it's back to PCR day 2 tests with isolation until a negative result is obtained.

It's a possibility that similar situation will occur in the EU considering the number of countries reporting Omicron.

So just before Xmas, travel is going to be slowed down and for some stopped.

Looks like Isreal will not be allowing any non residents in.
Just the begining of  more travel bans.
They plan on,"tweeking" the current vaccines for the new variant.
Seems to me they are moving fast like they knew it was coming.
I'm still waiting for them to get it right before getting a jab.
So far it seems as it will never end.
How many jabs do they actually have planned for everyone?
How much can a person take before the shots do them in?
Omicron, the name sounds like a planet from another galaxy or something out of Star Trek.
I'm sorry for those who had holiday travel plans.
Again, we are living in a time when it's best to have no plans.

There was a Star Trek Voyager episode called The Omega Directive. Apparently the Borg enjoyed its symmetry despite its destructive nature.  The Borg based slinky Seven of Nine was in awe of it.   We should all be in awe of Seven despite her Borg'ness. I can see that episode (Season 4, ep 21) is on Netflix.

Omicron doesn't seem to fit sequentially with the naming scheme. It should have been called Epsilon as that was next up after Delta.  There was banter about it being Nu but that would have caused problems with Nu new variant. Or the old Nu variant next time.

Everyone should get themselves vaccinated regardless of the variants around.  It's all about lowering ones overall risk.  I can see a time coming where a full range of vaccinations being required for all persons travelling across a border.  It'll start to become integrated into a passport or travel document.

The Dutch had to quarantine 2 flights that were already in the air when they banned all flights from Southern Africa; they quarantined all the pax/crew on arrival until they could be tested, so far 13 of those tested have the Omicron variant.

Cynic wrote:

The Dutch had to quarantine 2 flights that were already in the air when they banned all flights from Southern Africa; they quarantined all the pax/crew on arrival until they could be tested, so far 13 of those tested have the Omicron variant.

Yes, read that.  Probably it's been here in Europe for some time.  Just wasn't detected until now.  But as far as I have read, no-one has died and they have no or hardly any symptoms.  But early days. Some SA medical experts saying only mild effects are experienced.

Experts I heard on the radio (yes, LBC) said some mutations may seem dangerous but actually reduce its effects but increase its survival of the virus in the host.  Evolution in action.   

Probably will be the dominant variant, amongst the unvaccinated anyway and if they expire, the reservoir of infection will disappear.  Maybe some people will become carriers.   Like Typhoid Mary, we'll have COVID Colin or COVID Celeste.

Interesting comparator is HIV.  Some people have natural immunity to it - some recent BBC reports on that.   So eventually it'll be like that for COVID.  People will start to have natural immunity.

fluffy2560 wrote:

There was a Star Trek Voyager episode called The Omega Directive. Apparently the Borg enjoyed its symmetry despite its destructive nature.  The Borg based slinky Seven of Nine was in awe of it.   We should all be in awe of Seven despite her Borg'ness. I can see that episode (Season 4, ep 21) is on Netflix.

I have that episode (and all the rest) on my phone. Replacing that rubbish Ocampan with the seriously sexy Borg was an absolutely brilliant move. If you will forgive my toxic masculinity for a moment - I'm in lust with her.
Lucky old Chakotay.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Everyone should get themselves vaccinated regardless of the variants around.  It's all about lowering ones overall risk.  I can see a time coming where a full range of vaccinations being required for all persons travelling across a border.  It'll start to become integrated into a passport or travel document.

That is, IMHO, the best move for every country. Too long have so many refused to enforce medical checks for migrants because daft politics got in the way.
Making a full set of vaccinations a requirement for issuing a passport is sensible, just as a health check before allowing travel from countries with high incidence of any disease is.
High population density is clearly going to be a problem with an infectious disease (See London 1665), but migration will spread it faster. Best guess suggests the plague was brought in on trading ships from somewhere in the far east, but spread like crazy in an overcrowded London.

They had the excuse of not knowing any better - We do not.

Politicians in many countries are kakking their pants at the idea of mandatory vaccinations, but I'm pretty sure history won't look kindly on their cowardice for votes stance.

He (Ramaphosa) also argued that the bans would not be effective in preventing the spread of the variant.

I would love to know how he worked that out

The only thing the prohibition on travel will do is to further damage the economies of the affected countries

Ah, cash - That explains it

What we know is:
The Omicron variant started in a very heavily populated area and spread quickly (But, according to Ramaphosa, not because people travelled around - it must have star trek transporter technology)

Omicron is highly infectious - possibly more so than Delta

Scientists are concerned vaccines don't cover us against Omicron.

That leaves two choices - Ban travel until we know, or wait and see.
The latter is potentially dangerous and could lead to mass deaths and a return to full lockdowns all over the world, but we won't be discriminating against anyone so it's clearly the best move.

Is there a vaccine against idiocy?

Fred wrote:

He (Ramaphosa) also argued that the bans would not be effective in preventing the spread of the variant.

I would love to know how he worked that out

The only thing the prohibition on travel will do is to further damage the economies of the affected countries

Ah, cash - That explains it

What we know is:
The Omicron variant started in a very heavily populated area and spread quickly (But, according to Ramaphosa, not because people travelled around - it must have star trek transporter technology)

Omicron is highly infectious - possibly more so than Delta

Scientists are concerned vaccines don't cover us against Omicron.

That leaves two choices - Ban travel until we know, or wait and see.
The latter is potentially dangerous and could lead to mass deaths and a return to full lockdowns all over the world, but we won't be discriminating against anyone so it's clearly the best move.

Is there a vaccine against idiocy?

I suppose he would say that kind of thing.   Cyril (Ramaphosa) is fighting for his economy and to save his own businesses.

Ramaphosa's a bit of a colourful character and there are allegations of dodgy things around his business interests.  His name used to come up quite a lot during the apartheid era. ANC and all that. 

Some African politicians come up with lunatic ideas about cures for this and that - like steam baths to cure COVID.  Tanzanian president eventually found that it doesn't work as he died of COVID.   One of the other ones there (Health Minister - Dr Beetroot) who should have known better was advocating quack cures for HIV and was responsible for the deaths of thousands because of wrong thinking.

If people get a PCR test before leaving and one on arrival, then it'll slow it down. But it's already in Europe and eventually it won't make any difference banning travel.  It'll become endemic. SA doctor says Omicron gives only mild symptoms (as detected so far).

I just read that a couple escaped the quarantine hotel in NL and made it on to a plane leaving for Spain before they were intercepted.

Fred wrote:

I have that episode (and all the rest) on my phone. Replacing that rubbish Ocampan with the seriously sexy Borg was an absolutely brilliant move. If you will forgive my toxic masculinity for a moment - I'm in lust with her.
Lucky old Chakotay.

Seven of Nine was certainly better than the Ocampan.   For such a small woman, she had an incredibly raspy voice.  Made me think she was smoking 40 cigarettes a day.  Who knows what happened to her.  Never seen her since.  Googled her and she's still around and receiving mental health treatment (as of 2016) but it sounds like she was agreeing a plea bargain after ramming a police car.

Fred wrote:

That is, IMHO, the best move for every country. Too long have so many refused to enforce medical checks for migrants because daft politics got in the way.

Got a link to that?   I reckon they take them all to be checked out.  Things like TB are coming back because of the failure of health care in places like Syria.   They have legal recourse if it's a public health emergency. Of course, vaccinations are voluntary right now so it couldn't be enforced anyway.

Fred wrote:

Making a full set of vaccinations a requirement for issuing a passport is sensible, just as a health check before allowing travel from countries with high incidence of any disease is.....
They had the excuse of not knowing any better - We do not.

Politicians in many countries are kakking their pants at the idea of mandatory vaccinations, but I'm pretty sure history won't look kindly on their cowardice for votes stance.

They'll never mandate compulsory vaccination.  It's a vote loser.  On the other hand, here in Hungary for example, kids cannot go to school if not vaccinated and subject to basic health checks.  And attending school is compulsory. So it's kind of in place already.

But it'll take years to ramp up mandatory vaccination records.   Assuming an on-chip solution, a passport issued now would have 10 years validity.  So there would be circulation of old non-vaccine record passports for at least that period. 

It might be a whole different game by then with COVID and we'll be battling mutant inter-dimensional species 8472 in the Delta quadrant.  Like 2020, it's been a bit of a rubbish 2021 so far.   COVID, travel problems, Brexit, global warming and blah-blah.  All we need now is an alien encounter to lead to world unity.

fluffy2560 wrote:

All we need now is an alien encounter to lead to world unity.

Live long and prosper

Fred wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

All we need now is an alien encounter to lead to world unity.

Live long and prosper

Even those guys weren't at peace.  Earlier on, the Vulcans split with the Romulans who had rejected logic in favour of authoritarian government.   

But as of the last episode of Discovery (set 800 years in the future), we find they've introduced a name change and Vulcan/Romulan unity.  Vulcan is now Ni'var.  Looks like inter-world unity/peace has broken out there.

We can learn a lot from ST.

p.s.  this is just ludicrous coincidence - ST notes Vulcan is in 40 Erdani system (this is a real planetary location 17 light years from earth).  And what is the astronomer's name for that system? Omicron² Eridani.   Blimey - Omicron squared!  What a conspiracy theorist's dream!

I chuckled

We read something about the HU parliment voting soon on what to do with unvaxed people.
I know we could go in anytime to get a jab but I'm pretty sure it would do me in right now.
I was already in isolation in the hospital here for a health issue.
Maybe I should look into a medical exception?
I faced death these past months and really it wasn't a big deal to me, we all have a set date to check out. Not a one doctor even mentioned to me to get vaxed and I've seen half a dozen of them.
They could of offed me anytime in isolation and they didn't so perhaps they are  not really after me.

Just dislike the direction the world is going right now.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I know we could go in anytime to get a jab but I'm pretty sure it would do me in right now.
I was already in isolation in the hospital here for a health issue.
Maybe I should look into a medical exception?

Nobody in their right mind is going to have a go at you for not having a vaccine because of a genuine medical problem.
However, politicians decide such things so you might be out of luck.

In all seriousness - the first jab didn't do a thing to my health but the second one knocked me out for 2 or 3 days - I was tired and couldn't be arsed to do anything. Someone with serious medical problems should definitely have a long chat with a doctor before getting jabbed,

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

We read something about the HU parliment voting soon on what to do with unvaxed people.
I know we could go in anytime to get a jab but I'm pretty sure it would do me in right now.
I was already in isolation in the hospital here for a health issue.
Maybe I should look into a medical exception?
I faced death these past months and really it wasn't a big deal to me, we all have a set date to check out. Not a one doctor even mentioned to me to get vaxed and I've seen half a dozen of them.
They could of offed me anytime in isolation and they didn't so perhaps they are  not really after me.

Just dislike the direction the world is going right now.

You're in a special place now Marilyn.  None of us are experts so please take the advice of your doctors.  I expect you will easily get a medical exemption.

As for the world direction, I agree. It's getting uncomfortable with ongoing developments. Uncertainty causes fear and that's likely to cause problems or even conflict.   Not a happy bunny.

fluffy2560 wrote:

As for the world direction, I agree. It's getting uncomfortable with ongoing developments. Uncertainty causes fear and that's likely to cause problems or even conflict.   Not a happy bunny.

Then add conspiracy nutters.  :huh:

Fred wrote:

I chuckled

I'm considering how much I can milk the theory in social media.  See if I spread it around and see if it "catches".  Prove how dipsh*t dumb some people will be.

My developing conspiracy theory:

COVID is a cover for alien invasion.   People aren't dying, they are being taken to the Vulcan homeworld as slaves due to depopulation there.   All the vaccinations are intended to help us cope on that world if we are selected for transport.  The governments of the world are tracking potential candidates for the aliens' invasive procedures in their flying saucers.  They'll be readying their an** probes as I speak.

Yup, that'll do it.  Now where did I leave my tinfoil hat.

Fred wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

As for the world direction, I agree. It's getting uncomfortable with ongoing developments. Uncertainty causes fear and that's likely to cause problems or even conflict.   Not a happy bunny.

Then add conspiracy nutters.  :huh:

I'll have  you know there aren't any nuts in a fruitcake.

I missed out Putin from my list of 2021 annoyances/dangers.

I am seeing COVID restrictions reported on the news, with PCR tests needed to cross borders - notably France and Germany.

I am wondering if my EU format COVID certificates are going to become invalid as they are approaching 6 months old.  HU immunity cards are not accepted internationally.   Moreover, it looks like I'm not fully boosted.

This is a problem with my COVID certificates.  I can see the 3rd booster listed on the Immunity Certificate web site but I cannot see jabs 1 and 2.   

At the Kormany Ablak, they can also only see the 3rd jab and not the previous two even though I have the certificates.  So this looks like I've only had one vaccination. 

It's a mistake at the hospital entering two sets of data and not adding to the previous record.  They just made up another record.   Now we have to try and get in  contact with the hospital to correct the error. 

How this might effect travel in the future, we just don't know.  But it's not looking good.  Probably on direct flights it'll be OK but not via other EU countries.

I got the EU approved notification of my first 2 vaccinations from the kormany. Haven't used it yet.... then I got the booster which is not on my paper, but I'll go back for it to show my 3 vaccinations and let you know. The lady said it would be on my record 5 days after I got the booster.

Vicces1 wrote:

I got the EU approved notification of my first 2 vaccinations from the kormany. Haven't used it yet.... then I got the booster which is not on my paper, but I'll go back for it to show my 3 vaccinations and let you know. The lady said it would be on my record 5 days after I got the booster.

Thanks for that.

I updated my post as I've just been in the Kormany Ablak and it looks a screw up which would sabotage travel.

If you have the immunity certificate, you should scan it and check it shows 3/3 vaccinations post-booster.   Mine just shows 1/1. We have no idea why it's wrong.

Now we have to waste days on chasing and correcting the error.

If I scan the QR code, it does not return meaningful information.
But the fact that I had 2 doses of vaccine is written there with dates. I will go back to the kormany, as I mentioned, and verify the booster as well.
Thanks for alerting me!

Vicces1 wrote:

If I scan the QR code, it does not return meaningful information.
But the fact that I had 2 doses of vaccine is written there with dates. I will go back to the kormany, as I mentioned, and verify the booster as well.
Thanks for alerting me!

If I scan it with my phone (Samsung Galaxy), it opens a link to the health information web site and shows me my vaccination record. 

I've just checked the numerous paperwork and they've entered my passport number on the jab3 certificate rather than my hospital number.  So it's easy to see how they've made that mistake in the kerfuffle of  vaccination scrums at hospitals.

I don't have a TAJ-card yet and that's probably part of the problem.

So long as your identifying numbers are consistent across the hand written certificates, you should be golden.

I see UK has gone back into increased measures against the Omicron variant.

No-one is saying anything about that here in HU.  Looks like business as usual.  Looks a bit strange no measures are being taken.

fluffy2560 wrote:

I see UK has gone back into increased measures against the Omicron variant.

No-one is saying anything about that here in HU.  Looks like business as usual.  Looks a bit strange no measures are being taken.

Austria is coming out of lockdown on Sunday in some parts, I am getting so lost now because none of it makes sense.

But the UK is just in a mess right now, I can see Boris gone in the new year the way he handles things just lately.

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

I see UK has gone back into increased measures against the Omicron variant.

No-one is saying anything about that here in HU.  Looks like business as usual.  Looks a bit strange no measures are being taken.

Austria is coming out of lockdown on Sunday in some parts, I am getting so lost now because none of it makes sense.

But the UK is just in a mess right now, I can see Boris gone in the new year the way he handles things just lately.

Someone said he's making a Peppa Pig's ear of things.

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

I see UK has gone back into increased measures against the Omicron variant.

No-one is saying anything about that here in HU.  Looks like business as usual.  Looks a bit strange no measures are being taken.

Austria is coming out of lockdown on Sunday in some parts, I am getting so lost now because none of it makes sense.

But the UK is just in a mess right now, I can see Boris gone in the new year the way he handles things just lately.

I think he's spiralling the plughole day by day.   

I think his MO (modus operandi)  is clear. He surrounds himself with his friends and is happy to dump them when it suits him. 

Allegra Stratton - the press secretary he threw under the bus yesterday - is married to some magazine writing dude who is the best friends of the Chancellor.   Same magazine (Spectator) that Boris himself was editor of sometime back.   Quite a little clique.

I have no idea what is going on.  It's concerning that here, no-one has said anything.   But stats show the vaccines are effective against Omicron.  So why all the drama and theatre there?

Initial research has shown the Omicron variant to be more transmissible but less lethal. And the vaccinated are still protected for now. Of course the longer unvaccinated exist, the greater chance for other variants to emerge -- I now call the unvaccinated "plague rats".

Did you see that Italy and Austria are coming down quite hard on the unvaccinated now?

Vicces1 wrote:

Initial research has shown the Omicron variant to be more transmissible but less lethal. And the vaccinated are still protected for now. Of course the longer unvaccinated exist, the greater chance for other variants to emerge -- I now call the unvaccinated "plague rats".

Did you see that Italy and Austria are coming down quite hard on the unvaccinated now?

Yes, seen the Austrian situation.  We were planning to go there (again) for Xmas shopping and a day out but decided it was going to be a hassle.   Less inclined to go to Italy (be even more hassle).

Looks like the new German Chancellor is considering lockdown for the unvaccinated.  That's very significant if Germany does it. Auntie Angela/Mutter Merkel deftly side-stepped that problem by retiring.

Personally I don't understand (all other things being equal) why anyone would choose to go unvaccinated?!   

That said, Mrs F gets asked if our kids are vaccinated.  Rumours and nonsense abound - the last one was that vaccinating girls will make them infertile.  Facebook and social media has a lot to answer for.

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

I see UK has gone back into increased measures against the Omicron variant.

No-one is saying anything about that here in HU.  Looks like business as usual.  Looks a bit strange no measures are being taken.

Austria is coming out of lockdown on Sunday in some parts, I am getting so lost now because none of it makes sense.

But the UK is just in a mess right now, I can see Boris gone in the new year the way he handles things just lately.

I think he's spiralling the plughole day by day.   

I think his MO (modus operandi)  is clear. He surrounds himself with his friends and is happy to dump them when it suits him. 

Allegra Stratton - the press secretary he threw under the bus yesterday - is married to some magazine writing dude who is the best friends of the Chancellor.   Same magazine (Spectator) that Boris himself was editor of sometime back.   Quite a little clique.

I have no idea what is going on.  It's concerning that here, no-one has said anything.   But stats show the vaccines are effective against Omicron.  So why all the drama and theatre there?

It's kind of weird.  The MSM let go with both barrels and the only casualty was one of their own, I never saw that one coming.  I wonder how long till they realise that these "offences" occurred on the Crown Estate; I think they're ignoring it so they can have some cries of anguish and blame Boris for something that Blair/Campbell did.

Cynic wrote:

It's kind of weird.  The MSM let go with both barrels and the only casualty was one of their own, I never saw that one coming.  I wonder how long till they realise that these "offences" occurred on the Crown Estate; I think they're ignoring it so they can have some cries of anguish and blame Boris for something that Blair/Campbell did.

Austin Allegro Stratosphere will just come back as head of some quango.   That's what happens - out into the wilderness for 40 days and nights, making peace with higher powers (Boris) before coming back into the fold or being rehabilitated and becoming an MP.

Apparently there has been further revelations today.   The problem is that this all trivia. 

Why they don't address things we really want to know  - like who was on the grassy knoll?  And is Elvis really dead?

BTW, linking into the death of Janos Kobor of Omega this week, the rumour mill has been saying (apparently) he appealed to Mick Jagger to rescue him from COVID and the hospital.   

This strains my credulity even  more than the Omicron variant coming from another solar system and the sector containing the planet Vulcan, i.e Erani Omicron.

The statistics from all over the world are very consistent and telling.  Unvaccinated people make up over 90% of cases in ICU and deaths.
I agree, I know people want to argue politics, but this is not the hill to die on.
The tragic stories I read about online are horrific. And are only causing great financial and emotional expense for no reason.
The stories about pulmonary issues abound, lesser known covid issues include embolisms, colon dissections, haemorrhages, and much more. And then there are the long-term covid symptoms where people have difficulty even walking...
But no, don't take a simple vaccine, these effects are better and show your mental and physical strength /s

Vicces1 wrote:

The statistics from all over the world are very consistent and telling.  Unvaccinated people make up over 90% of cases in ICU and deaths.
I agree, I know people want to argue politics, but this is not the hill to die on.
The tragic stories I read about online are horrific. And are only causing great financial and emotional expense for no reason.
The stories about pulmonary issues abound, lesser known covid issues include embolisms, colon dissections, haemorrhages, and much more. And then there are the long-term covid symptoms where people have difficulty even walking...
But no, don't take a simple vaccine, these effects are better and show your mental and physical strength /s

Yes, indeed.

COVID is a diversion from political difficulties.  I can see it bringing down governments because of the muddled responses.  Politicians cannot argue with a virus. It doesn't care about immigration or religion or anything else.

There are stories of reactions and problems but the chances of being hurt or dead are so much reduced with the vaccine.  It's a no brainer if there are no other reasons to not take it.

News about COVID reporting transparency in Hungary:

Doctors want more transparency on COVID deaths in Hungary

I was sent a link about Abu Dhabi having handheld scanners to detect COVID19.  Mobile phones as tricorders Star Trek style. Yeah, like that'll work.  No-one won definitively the X-prize yet for that.  For basic functions maybe but COVID19? Don't think so. 

Abu Dhabi Covid-19 scanners for entry: How they work

I think it'd work better if they trained up some dogs to sniff out the afflicted.

fluffy2560 wrote:

I think it'd work better if they trained up some dogs to sniff out the afflicted.

They have dogs trained to do exactly that in Austria.

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

I think it'd work better if they trained up some dogs to sniff out the afflicted.

They have dogs trained to do exactly that in Austria.

Seems easier to do with dogs.   More reliable and cheaper.

Some Islamic countries I've been in do not always like to use dogs as they are forbidden but my understanding is that working dogs are allowed but no dogs as pets.   There is no problem with them having people from other non-Muslim countries controlling and operating the dog although the locals might object. 

The COVID scanner reminds me of the Fake Bomb Detector scam.