
creation of a recruitment agency

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Hello everyone,

I would like to have the your opinion on the creation of a recruitment agency au Kenya, an agency specialized in several fields.

I am currently studying Human Resources in Luxembourg. I am preparing a master's degree. After my studies I  would like to come in Kenya and open my own recrutment agengy.

I would  like to have some information about the labour market in Kenya, because I don't know too much about it,  I grew up in France and I think that the Futur is not in Europe but in Africa that why I want to come and do someting in Kenya.

What do you think about my idea??


See also

Job offers in KenyaRegistering company branch in kenyaSetting up a business in KenyaWorking in KenyaWork in Nairobi

Kenya has a high unemployment rate and combined with one of the better education systems on the continent, means lots of graduates and professionals either out of work, or doing low paid work such as driving taxis.  This obviously isn't the case for everyone, but there does appear to be a large surplus of skilled labour.

Over the last few years there has been active recruitment of young Kenyans - often women, to go and work in countries such as Qatar and Dubai.  Little better than modern slavery, these people (driven by the lack of work at home) have their passports retained on arrival and have no choice but to work for a year or more.

Linked to the above, the Kenyan government have been active in reducing the numbers of foreign workers who are perceived to be doing jobs that Kenyans could do.  This has been done by forcing employers to prove that they cannot find the required skill from within the local workforce.  Foreign workers must apply for work permits from their home countries and the whole application process is subject to more scrutiny. 

For you, the implications are that although it is relatively easy to set up a business in Kenya, it is expensive and challenging to manage and work within it.  The work permit that you need comes with a requirement for a minimum capital of $100,000, costs Ksh 200,000 and is renewable on a 2 yearly cycle.

Recruitment agencies and online job sites are already well established in Kenya.  To succeed, you may have to offer something alternative to the others and should research thoroughly as there is potentially a lot of money involved.


We set up a recruitmnet agency in Nairobi in 2012 from the UK. Do you have funds? If you want information contact me on


Thank you for your reply,
I will send you an email for more informations.




Guiam;  I note that your profile states that you are Kenyan.  It is very different for a Kenyan (including a returning resident) to establish a business such as a recruitment agency, in Kenya, than a similar venture for a foreigner who has little previous ties with the country.  For one thing, the visa requirements and associated capital requirements  don't apply to a Kenyan.

Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to put anyone off, but just trying to be realistic and help to be prepared.



Even if I have got kenyan nationality. would it be difficult to etablish a business in kenya?


Hi, getting permanent residence is a long process which would involve you being in Kenya for at least 7 years, on another type of permit (often a work permit).  Having a Kenyan spouse shortens the process somewhat.

It's relatively easy for a foreigner to register a company in Kenya, but to operate legally within the company requires you to have the work permit mentioned above. 

Some have suggested that you can register a company with a Kenyan partner, then the company employs you and applies for a work permit that way.  This would avoid the $100,000 capital requirement, but equally the company would have to evidence that no suitably qualified Kenyan was available to fill the role.  The risk is also that the work permit would not be agreed. It would be a risky strategy.


It is very interesting to read about other countries.

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