Can I stay with my half Norwegian daughter in Norway after a divorce?

I'm an Egyptian woman that moved to Norway with my Norwegian husband and our daughter around 4 years ago. While our daughter had the right to stay with her dad in Norway as she has the citizenship. I had to go back after my tourist visa expires as our family didn't meet the requirements for family reunification visa at the time and that is where my relation with my husband started to go downward real fast.
He would stall in sending me an invitation to come back or cut any financial support he sends me (I couldn't keep a job cause of the constant moving back and forward .. other than freelancing translation). He started talking to other women on dating websites and sharing explicit messages claiming to be a single man. When was confronted with these actions, he said that it's the way he is and if am not ok with it I should just apply for a divorce and he will keep our daughter with him in Norway. I was denied coming to see her for over 7 months till I finally submitted to his will * to turn a blind eye to whatever he does, agree with all he says and be "a good wife" ...
When I came back, I had to submit to all his orders until I was finally granted family reunification permit and could stay in Norway for a longer period of time (one year at a time). Ever since, I have taken the norwegian course and passed the exams with good results (B2 Nivå) after attending classes for one school year. I got a part time job as a waitress and started to be more integrated in my community through volunteer work.
My current problem is that I still have to live with the constant threats of being sent back without our daughter almost on a daily basis. He knows that I can't afford to be independent financially and move out or seek a divorce. Especially after my Egyptian muslim family disowned me 9 years ago for choosing to be with him against their will.
I feel the fear of losing my child on a daily basis, and I live the life of a single mom carrying all house and work responsibilities on my shoulders with nobody knowing because i'm not even allowed to complain about his bad temper, ill treatment or cheating.
I'm Just so tired of going on like this and feel sick for constantly apologizing to my girl and comforting her for his mean behaviour and angry outbursts. I want a way to move away from this toxic relation without denying her the chance to have a better life in Norway than the one I had growing up.
I would appreciate any advice on how can I still stay in Norway with my daughter without having to continue in this marriage just for the sake of my residence permit.


Sorry to hear this. Normally a child has the right to have both parents but I'm not familiar with Norwegian rules and also what kind of background you are standing on.

However you should contact the nearest releif center from the list here and tell them everything as it is no more and no less. How do you feel in your dailylife is important for your child's wellbeing  so I really hope the situation will become better one way or the other.

yes, you should contact the crisis senter and seek their advise.  I know you can seek for residency based on abuse from spouse but that only works if your original residence is from family unification. … use/?c=egy

Based on my understanding, you can apply family unification based on the fact your child is in Norway.  You don't need your husband to sponsor you.  But there will be criteria to fulfill.  You need to check the udi website. … &c=egy