
Teaching English in Czech Republic..Moving from America?

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:D  Dobrey Den!

I am new to this forum!  Rozumím česky a jsem Američan. Mluvím trochu z vašeho jazyka. Jsem v procesu učení.

A little introduction and then the real reason I'm posting here..

I'm a professional Illustrator and substitute teacher from CT. It's a small state on the east coast in America where I grew up along the ocean.  After graduating high school I left for Florida and studied Illustration there for a while, then with my love of animals I explored the path as a Veterinary Technician, and it was there in Denver, CO where I decided to combine both of my passions and create my own business called CartoonMyDog, where I draw people's pets as cartoons.

So, something happened in April.. Well I went to the Czech Republic by myself and this was the first time I have ever been to Europe. I was absolutely terrified because I did not know your language at all but I felt like something was pulling me there. So I had to go.. you know?  Even though I was scared for the first day or so I was able to navigate around with ease after the first day and I even picked up on things very quickly. (This pull) is more than I can express because it feels as if I have lived there before.

Needless to say I fell in love with it. I stayed in the small town of Olomouc for about 13 days and I decided that I would love to live here and teach English or perhaps finish my education to get my Bachelors Degree over there..

So I thought, I should teach English here, but first I need the TEFL.

I have several questions about this, as I've never taught English in a foreign country so this would be the first..

Which program is the best?
What is the pay rate like once I finally start teaching?

As far as living there is concerned?:  How would that work?...  I know I can only be there for 90 days, so I would have to go back and forth I think? Hmm... Or maybe stay with my friend in Germany for a few days then return to where I was.

This is a big move for me and I think I might stay with a friend while there. I'm also.. interested in women and it's a good thing that your country is so open to that. Here in America well we get mixed reactions. 

So to continue! Yes. I want to teach English there and I was wondering if you wonderful Czechs could point me in the right direction.  I know Prague has a program I thought, to get the TEFL degree, as that is what I want to get first. 

My goal is to make this move to the Czech Republic by next year, and start the process or so by the end of this year. My plan is clear as to what I want to do, and I will do everything in my power to make it happen. 

I just want to live there.
Be happy and drink your czech beer. <3

Oh yeah and I agree with taking the shoes off before walking into a home. I don't understand why this is so complicated for people to understand lol.  Also the smaller fridges? Great idea, who needs a big one?  Your country is great. I like europe, because people seem to be more classy and less rude then we here in America. You see, we are very forward about ourselves and tend to speak what is on our minds...

So there is a big difference =P

I have a lot on my mind here! ;)

See also

Travelling to the Czech Republic with your petsMoving to the Czech RepublicRetirement in CzechiaMistakes expats make in Czech RepublicHello


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