Travel/health Insurance extension while not in home country


I'm doing the move to Vietnam this june.

I've been looking for travel/health insurance for my stay and to cover me if i visit or places. the problem i have is finding one that can either be extended while not in my home country (UK) or is rolling so i can just keep it going as long as i like.

Any ideas?

i was thinking do i just get a year/18months cover and after that see what options i have in Vietnam?

Cheers Dan

Hey Dan,

I'm planning on moving there in a few months and have been researching this myself.  Two US companies offer global insurance if you want extensive coverage.  Aetna and Cigna.  I'm opting for Cigna.  It gives me coverage over there, plus 120 days in the US when I visit home.  It's only for catastrophic care.

I don't know much about local insurance, but I would also like to know.  I'm thinking of adding local ins for outpatient coverage as I am opting out of that with Cigna.

Hope that helps.