Are English-language books expensive in Budapest?

We're visiting (new) friends in Budapest for Christmas and my son wants to bring their daughter books in English that he thinks she'll like. (She's fluent in French and Hungarian but she's pretty new at English.) It's just that books are heavy and bulky to transport on a long trip with other stops along the way. Is it worth it to bring books in English, or are they relatively inexpensive to buy there?

Thanks for any advice!

Uh, the question maybe should be phrased: will you get the books you want to give away in Budapest?

I'm not so familiar with the bookshops up there though.
I know there are some that have English books.

Try (if you don't get a sufficient answer) to contact these guys here, maybe they can help :)

Have a great time in Hungary!

Thank you for your reply! I sent an email to the folks at Treehugger Dan's--that was a great suggestion.

Happy Hungarian holidays to you!

Thanks :)
Hope it helps :)

Treehugger Dan's is a good place to buy books.  Novels are around 1500 HUF, depending on what they are- at least half the price of new books elsewhere.  You do not get a very good rate when exchanging books- only about 200-300 HUF.  This is even more favourable than other places.