Buy food in bulk in Malta

Hi everyone,

I'm currently trying to reduce my waste and buy more products without packaging or the minimum packaging possible. I wondered if you know any shop around Malta that allows buying products in bulk, where I could take my own jars and fabric bags and use them as containers. I already know and go to the vegies trucks that stop in my town once a week, but I would like to know if I have options for other kinds of products.

Thanks a lot!

Who ever is in charge of this site Please  do something about all these people posting for jobs and wives.

Marlene Lindner wrote:

Who ever is in charge of this site Please  do something about all these people posting for jobs and wives.

Thank you for your concern, the admin team are aware of these posts. They are working on trying to sort out a system to ban them before they are made public. In the meantime, you have to put up with a dedicated team of volunteers who help police the forums.

You always have the option to report a post to log your concern.