
Accomodation in Nairobi with family

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Hi guys

I am arriving to Nairobi in a couple of weeks with my family, and I am looking for a nice house with at least 4 bedrooms plus plus. At the same time, I would like a Convenient location taking into consideration my kids going to school at ISK close to Kihingo Village, and myself working at the industrial area southeast of Nairobi.

Any recomendation about the Area to avoid traffic for all the members of my family? I have been once at Nairobi, and I thought traffic was crazy.

Thanks a lot in advance, and see you soon !!!

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Hi mikel12!

I would suggest you to post an advert in the accommodation section of Nairobi classifieds! It might help ;)



Txs Armand

My point is I dont really know exactly what area could be convenient to live, based on my conditions !

Any suggestions?


You will have a tough time, traffic wise, with that combination of school and workplace and unless you have school transport, or two cars/ drivers in the family, I find it difficult to see how getting to/from school and work will be 'workable'.

Areas which are good to live, and are reasonably accessible for Industrial Area would be Kilimani, Kileleshwa, Upper Hill.  Having said that, it can still take an hour or two to do the few km. 

Lavington is a bit closer to the school, but as there are some (very good) private schools in the area and traffic gets very very bad.

Living close to the school; Kitisuru, Spring Valley, Kyuna, Loresho, Westlands are all good, but getting to/from work will mean a long time sitting in the car. 

There is a road building programme going on at the moment, which will mean that the city is bypassed, so living near the school and getting to Industrial Area should become easier.  The roads are not finished -end of the year, possibly.

At th

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