
service apartment and indian tiffin service

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We are a couple moving to Nairobi in may end from Mumbai India. We are looking for a decent and reasonable service apartment for the 1st 3 months as I will be travelling to and fro to India for a few months coz of work.

Also Im looking for a decent Indian tiffin service for lunch and if possible dinner for my husband when Im away in India.

Please advise?

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Real estate listingsAccommodation in NairobiBuying property in KenyaLooking for interior designer to furnish new high-end AirBnbmoving to Nairobi

Welcome on the forum Nitikb :)

You can also post a customized advert (as per your budget, room type) on Nairobi Classifieds Page, Category>Accommodation. This might help you as well.



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Thank you Tiffinco for the reply. will defi get in touch..


Hi Nikikb,

Welcome to Kenya.

There are many areas where you can get service apartments. The best ones is to choose somewhere close by to where you or your husband works.
Do you know which area????
Generally, Parklands is an area which has a huge population of Asian communities. So it can be an ideal place if you are completely new to Nairobi.
Have you thought about the paying guest service. It is much better coz your husband wont have problems with food as it is provided as a package.

Lemme know what you decide.

Nitikb wrote:


We are a couple moving to Nairobi in may end from Mumbai India. We are looking for a decent and reasonable service apartment for the 1st 3 months as I will be travelling to and fro to India for a few months coz of work.

Also Im looking for a decent Indian tiffin service for lunch and if possible dinner for my husband when Im away in India.

Please advise?


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