
Compounds in Kilimani or kileleshwa

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Hello everyone,

We're a family looking for accomodation in Nairobi; preferably in a compound, 4 bedrooms, in Kileleshwa or Kilimani, since the children will be going to the french school, and those areas seem closer.

Initially we wanted a house with garden, but there seems to be security issues, and cost issues as well...

Is there another neighbourhood close to the french school (Lycée Denis Diderot)? What advice could you give, and any idea of the price, pls?

We will probably be moving to Nairobi in July.

Many thanks for any info!


See also

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Welcome on board Fanin,

I would kindly suggest you to have a look in the Housing in Nairobi for sale section.  This can be of a help.

Thank you.



Many thanks for your reply, but i was not looking forward to buy, just for rent.

Thanks all the same, I will  have a look at it.


Try checking out websites like  or

All the best :-)


Dear Ash,

Thanks for your reply, I will look up those links.


Brett Itunga

Please check my ad in the Nairobi Housing section. Other than this ad I have more choices.


Hello, Kilimani is certainly closer to the French school but as you look for a house
it would help if you have a budget then I could help you.  One can get anything they
desire be it apartment, masoinette, villas around kilimani depending on their budget.
Do you want it furnished or not furnished?   How much have you budgeted for a four
bedroom unfurnished all ensuite apartment within walking distance to the school or a five
bedroom all ensuite with garden villa also within walking distance to the school? both in a secure
gated compound.



Hi, if you are still looking you can try  it is more reliable and safe and you can choose from hundreds of houses to rent in the area you like.

All the best!


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Are you still looking.

Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : avoid free advertising on the Forum + drop your advert in the housing section pls

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