Best universities in Poland

Hello everyone,

Students make up an important part of the expat population. This year again, thousands around the world will be leaving their home country to study abroad. How about giving them a hand by sharing with them information about the best universities in Poland?

What are the best universities in Poland ? What makes them the best universities? What are their international ranking?

What are the success rates of these universities?

What are the subjects taught at these universities?

What are the general requirements to get into them?

What are the tuition fees to study at those universities?

When does the academic year begin and end in Poland ?

What are the specific advantages of studying in these universities (job prospects, internships, internationally recognized degrees…) ?

Please share your experience,


Most "rankings" rate the universities in Warszawa and Krakow highest, especially the management school in Warsaw (SGH).

It's difficult to know what to recommend for foreign students. A number of public and private institutions offer programmes, but their quality and reputation vary. The Polytechnic in Wroclaw seems to have an excellent and deserved reputation.

In recent years, young people have been coming to Wroclaw from Ukraine and other countries east of Poland: the job market is open to them now, and Poland's still-robust economy offers plenty of part-time work. Those I know say that they like Wroclaw. I wouldn't recommend that foreigners go to a smaller city, at least the ones I happen to know: they are foreigner-friendly but dull and isolated.