Report Rogue Landlord. But to who?

Hi everyone,

I'm a medical student from the UK and I'm being shafted by a landlord and I want to know is there any official authority to whom I can make a complaint about a landlord. For example in the UK I'm sure you can report rogue landlords to the local council, is there any such process in Malta?

Thanking in advance,


As far as I know, no. It's a free for all. Call him/her on it though. Say you are going to the press (it's getting more attention nowadays) and bluff that you have someone to talk to in gov't. Hopefully someone else has more info??
This is so out of control.

The police/local government generally are not interested. what is the landlord doing exactly?
your best bet is to move. if he is breaking terms of the contract then you cant trust him/her. and anything you agree to now, just opens the door to more changes later.

Just to echo what everyone else has said, there is no recourse for disputes with landlord. Take your stuff and find somewhere else to live, and be mentally prepared at the start of any lease that you will never see your deposit again. If you do get it back, consider it an unexpected bonus.

Not all landlords are like that, there are plenty of good ones and we have always got our deposit back.

'Not all landlords are like that..'
Wrong subject. Let's stick to the topic ok? This person asked a question and we are trying to help them with a solution.

just be aware of the Garnishee order, they seem to award them without proper proof and normally in favor of the local landlord.

Nange wrote:

'Not all landlords are like that..'
Wrong subject. Let's stick to the topic ok? This person asked a question and we are trying to help them with a solution.

And this post of yours has what to do with the topic?


'This person asked a question and we are trying to help them with a solution'. That part :)
See here we go off on an unrelated tangent....!