
Villa Isabla


Would anyone happen to have any type of Intel on this city. I have been chatting it up with a young lady I meant on Dominican Cupid. She seems nice and we seen to have good conversations. She invited me to come to her home upon my visit to the country. I have pretty good street smarts but just wondering if I would be safe after all I don't know her. Any thoughts anyone?

See also

Living in Las Terrenas: the expat guideSending Furniture from the US. to Las TerrenasThe Reef Project in Playa BonitaElectric Company in Terrenas SamanaInternet providers in Las Terrenas

Yes we love here.  Its pretty safe as long as your careful and not flashy . There  are not many expats here  and often times when they are we see people trying to take advantage of them . Message me any of your questions .  The town is small so we may know her.


Wow! Thank you so much . Is there a way to private message you. I don't want to say her name here. I'm not sure if that is against the rules as I am new to the forum.

the tinker40

A good friend of mine met a woman on that site several years ago. He came to the DR often & they dated. Got married & it is going well for them. She is an educated,professional woman with her own well respected business.  It seems that the site is a decent one. As always, be patient, aware of what is around you. Meet in public with people around. All the usual precautions. Does she speak English, do you speak Spanish, have children, live with family, have a job? Just the beginning of a long list of questions to be answered to your satisfaction. Age difference,does she order from the left side of the menu etc?  Never divulge your assets, paycheck & so on. She will assume that you are rich so don't use Bling to impress. It is she who has to show sincerity. Take your time and at the first sign that something ain't Kosher, bail out fast.  Sometimes these things do work out fine, most do not.  I wish you well & welcome to the real DR life. Learn to say NO!


Find a public place to met her and have your own hotel said the spider to the fly.
Best of luck


Thanks for the tips everyone.


@ themferreiras Im have a bit of time finding a way to message you directly.


Did you get the message I sent you ?


just inboxed you just now.