
Health Insurance In Mexico and Cars

Hi, my wife and I will be moving to either Tulim or Playa Del Carmen in February. We currently live in the Virgin Islands and are ready to move. We have lived here since 2002 and we sold our condo and business right before we got hit with 2 Cat 5 Hurricanes. We had planned to stay a couple of years more but decided to go ahead and move. As we are in the US Virgin islands, we have US Health Insurance, from my wife's job but neither one of us will be working in Mexico. We plan on living there full time. Any suggestions? From what I have read, is it possible to get Government Insurance?

Also, we want to buy a car  in Mexico. Preferably a used car. Would a dealer be best to buy from?

Thanks a lot in advance!

See also

The healthcare system in MexicoHealth insurance in MexicoPregnancy in MexicoAccidents and emergencies in MexicoMexican mail order pharmacy, pharmacy in Guadalajara

Hi, you must, first, go to the Mexican consulate near your actual residency to obtain the entry visa (temporary or permanent) then once in Mexico, you proceed to change (CANJE) and obtain your residency card.

After that, there are 2 government insurance IMSS and Seguro popular, cost is based on age since you will not work. My wife and I have IMSS but we also see a private sector doctor for non urgent matièr such as a cold.

Buying a car, it's better to buy from a dealer but we don't have or need one since where we lived every thing is available at walking distance and commuting to larger cities is very easy/good/cheap. Car insurance could be expensive depending on vehicule and place you live also limited coverage by state.

Travel insurance, when going to the USA visiting not covered by IMSS.

Here is a link to a person that can answer your questions with no cost via her site,

Adios y buena suerte en su proyecto, GyC.

travellight wrote:

Hi, my wife and I will be moving to either Tulim or Playa Del Carmen in February. We currently live in the Virgin Islands and are ready to move. We have lived here since 2002 and we sold our condo and business right before we got hit with 2 Cat 5 Hurricanes. We had planned to stay a couple of years more but decided to go ahead and move. As we are in the US Virgin islands, we have US Health Insurance, from my wife's job but neither one of us will be working in Mexico. We plan on living there full time. Any suggestions? From what I have read, is it possible to get Government Insurance?

Also, we want to buy a car  in Mexico. Preferably a used car. Would a dealer be best to buy from?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Given that you are moving in to the yucatan Quintana roo area you might want to look at and

My personal experience is yes, go to a recognized dealer of quality cars in the area you are looking in, to check out cars.  Their reputation is on the line , and they will help with the required paperwork.