Need help from a south korean pls

Hey i'm Emanuel from Argentina, i've been waiting 4 year to play a game called Dragon Ball Online. Now that the game is out in a beta, i need to validate my account by mobile phone on

The only thing i need is a phone number, then i'll submit it there and you'll receive a text message with a code, you give me the code and i submit it under the phone number in that window and that's all. :)

If you wanna help me you can give me the number by personal message in this forum or by e-mail chat, my e-mail is

Thank you :)

Welcome on board Atomsk ;)

I hope that forumers from South korea will help you to validate your account ;)

One question: Does that mean, the website, accept members from South Korea only? :/ Sounds weird to me.


Yes, because the game is in closed beta. It will came out in America and Europe in the next year maybe.