
Dominican coming back to the Island

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Hello all!

My name is Sayra,  and both my husband and I are Dominicans. We have lived in the DR before, but as kids under our parents' wings with no real adult responsibilities. We are coming back as a family of 4, and have questions about Health Insurance, car insurance etc.

We are moving to Punta Cana in September, I think it'll be a good adjustment until it hits us that we are actually living there. I do think the north has more business opportunities, since PC is full of resorts, but that's something that we'll explore once there.

We are also looking for something to do, so that we don't die of boredom and also for extra income.

Thank you all

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideCONNECTING WITH CANADIAN EXPAT GROUPS VIA FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAMSeeking Business opportunity on North CoastSIM CARD SWITCHING FOR NEWBIESMoving to DR

Welcome Sayracastillo,

Here are some of the insurance companies in the Dominican Republic:


Humano / ARS Primera
Palic Salud




Thank you for your reply.

Any idea on prices?


It depends on the plan you choose.

But all the plans are significantly cheaper than the US.

I can place you in contact with a representative of several of these companies if you wish to obtain a quote.


Yes please.

Thank you so much


I can help you with health medical insuranec. I have a group with Humano. I will private message you.

I can alsi get you quotes for your vehicle insurance.

What brings you "home"?


Hi planner

Thank you so much for your message. I would love to see some quotes.

My husband and I are looking for a less stressful life so we can spend more time with our kids. We also want to raise our children in a similar environment to the one we grew up in, more nature, healthier food, nicer weather etc.

I am looking for something to do while down there, I've been in marketing/business for 15 years. But I'm thinking in doing something on my own, sell something, invest in something but I dont really know.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Dominican Republic

All of the Dominican Republic's guide articles