Ready for a new life.

Hello, Bonjour, Hola to everyone and thank you for allowing me to be here. My name is Leah, I'm from Illinois, I'm recently divorced and looking for a new start outside of the US. Las Terrenas, or Punta Cana or any other place that Ya room for me! I have extensive experience in Hospitality, Cosmetology, Customer Service and Nursing. I have worked duel positions in the Hotel industry, being a Receptionist and cook for a census of 200+ guests. I am seeking an amazing life and I have read posts in the forum and starting to make friends. The posts are very imformative and I thank you all for your help thus far!

Welcome have you been here before. Living here is vastly different than visiting a resort.

Second to work here legally you need your residency and cedula and this process is $$$$ and needs to be started in  your home country

Bob K

Hi there Bob, I have yet to visit but plan on coming soon to get a feel for things. I'm not a resort type of person anyway, I like the native part of any place I visit. I am very self reliant and self sufficient. I  am multi talented to fit into any situation, very diverse. Is it REALLY EXPENSIVE to get dates started??

Spend some time here before making the leap

Bob K

Of course Bob! I don't make sudden moves without thorough research and experience. Well, I did once and it was amazingly fantastic!