
Looking for shared apartment


Hi all, I'm new in Nairobi but I need to find a shared house/flat/apartment (but with my own bedroom). It should be within a distance of 10kms from the city center and shouldn't cost more than Ksh. 10,000/- per month. It should be within very quiet but safe environment suitable for a studying atmosphere. I'd like to move in by the end of April and it'll be a pleasure if you get in touch with an appropriate offer befitting the above-described needs.
Thanks in advance...


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10,000 is rather low if you're looking at a 10km range to city centre,close to impossible unless you try outskirts of Nairobi like Rongai or ngong or maybe Eastland's side of Nairobi. I got an sq/guest room in kileleshwa which goes for 20,000 already furnished with bed and mattress. And that's pretty low considering you can get the same place without being furnished at the same amount


I have an own bed and mattress, and a few other house essentials. 10k has been the available budget for the monthly spending on accommodation...