Panama vs. Costa Rica

On the expat-Costa Rica site, several people have asked the question if people have compared Panama to Costa Rica prior to their move - relative to cost of living, safety, beauty of the country, etc.  I am wondering if any of you spent time in both countries to compare the differences and if you would mind sharing your experiences?  Thanks!

- Expat Dave

I have only lived in Panama, but I have met a number of expats who left Costa Rica for here because of the rising costs in CR. CR also seems to have more trouble with crime, mostly thefts from homes. Costa Rica is really beautiful. Panama tends to clear land for agriculture where CR tends to leave it more natural. We live in David, best of both worlds, the most beautiful province (IMHO) Panamanian living, but close enough to Costa Rica to visit anytime we want.

I lived in CR for 3 years from 1998-2000. Went to post grad school in San Jose but lived in the country side just to the east of the city so I got the best of both worlds. I liked CR for the culture, people and environment. San Jose had enough of the arts, symphonies, nice restaurants to be enjoyable and then the countryside was really back to nature. I even had a sloth living on my 2 acres on the hillside. But then there's the cost of living. Everything imported is 3x what it is in the states. Want a box of Cheerios.....$20...back then. Cars 300% what they are in the US including used cars. It is expensive. Panama where I'd visit to renew my visa was lovely and equally nice....just much less expensive. I made up my mind that when the time comes to bail out of the US again, I'm heading South, either Panama (Bocas) or Antigua in Guatemala. Time will tell. But my recommendation for your choice....Panama.

When I was searching for somewhere to move to (from Canada), Costa Rica was actually at the top of my list. Panama was at the very bottom.

But, after visiting both countries, and spending some time in each one.........Panama won, hands down.

For me, the only edge CR has over Panama is the abundant beautiful nature. Aside from that, Panama wins in just about every other category :  crime (rampant in CR, especially the capital), cost of living (CR is more expensive than the US and Canada combined!!!), infrastructure, etc.

Yep, no doubt about it........14 yrs ago, Panama was the place to go........Costa Rica was gettin crazy expensive, and the beauracracy was indigestible...(still is) and Im glad I got in when I did.....but now things have changed here too........And it is no longer so much cheaper or the govt. beauracracy so much better.......In fact now, you are better off importing an older car into C.R. than Panama.....and thats something that has only just changed in the last few years.......They no longer let you out with your own car, even if you own property unless you have residency........that was never a problem before...Even when I lived in C.R. I always came down to Panama City to buy cars........and bring them into C.R. No more........and theres a whole lot of no mores..........if youre grandfathered in, you can still live pretty cheap.......but if youre a newbie, look out.........And the culture compared to C.R. leaves something to be desired........The collective i.q. in Panama with exceptions of course tends to be very low.....CR is higher............CR now is cleaner...........girls in CR are more relatable............and generally more slender...........Panama has lost many of its advantages..........especially with this latest govt treatment of extranjeros.....Lets hope that Panama gets it back..........but for the time being.........I would tread very lightly............