Dying fathers younger Viet gf

My father is dying like 6months-year to live
His gf is 27 he is 67 hey have been dating like three years although he is in Australia she is in viet
He told her he is dying she writes messages saying she is so faint she isn't eating she is tired all this bullshit so he focus his energy on worrying about her , he also bought her a shop , too much hard work for her so she sold it cheap to her sister at a losss who then sold it on for a large profit not long after , he wants to build her a big three story house and shop , he also just set up a new business for her which makes no money as he pays all the bills rent etc , and she just send messages. How much she loves him etc and can't live without him , although he hasn't seen her in 11 months as he stayed home to save money to send to her . All I think of is gold digger , she sent messages after finding out his diagnosis saying "my family really want me to get married I have wanted to tell you they say many times i" 
What the hell ! I am devastated my dad sends money to her all the time I see her very good at putting it in conversation when dad always says you don't know her , she feels uncomfortable around you , she never asks for money ! I wonder why , she doesn't say I need money drops that her electricity bill, rent is due , she needs money for tickets to go help the poor all sorts of bulllshit , meanwhile I am looking after dad taking him t all his dr appointments , buying medication, feeding him and she just has to send love messages in text ! Not bad for seeing the person only 9 months in 3 years scoring about 400,000 a$ !! I am so angry , she is due to come here soon but not right now as "there is too many app she will be bored here !" I am so angry my dad is so protective of her and her whinging complaining tired self !! She is 27 not 60 !!!! She barely works ! I am angry help !!! What to do !!

I know that it is hard. My Vietnamese child bride of 43 years is also dying. Aside from some cousins, my soon to die wife and our children, everyone else in my family is already departed.

Right now the only person whose feelings matter is your father. Even if he is being foolish and stupid, and it sounds like he is acting that way, try and let him die in reasonable peace.

Been their. Done that. Still doing that.

70 years old wrote:

Right now the only person whose feelings matter is your father. Even if he is being foolish and stupid, and it sounds like he is acting that way, try and let him die in reasonable peace

While I appreciate your sentiment, it does sound as if he may be squandering away his daughter's inheritance.  Of course we don't know if he is spending 90% or 10% of his wealth on this short term happiness.  It shouldn't but for most people it does make a difference.  My father altered his will to give 20% to his girlfriend of similar age, who was actually far wealthier than he was.    If she were poor, it would have been a lot easier to take.  I didn't resent him, but I did blame her and her daughter who was a partner at the law firm that wrote the will.


All very good points. Their just isn't any good answer. My own feeling is that money can be replaced. Memories of a parent's death . . .

Agree with 70 years old. It reminds me of my wife's grandfather who was 90+ and I'm sure many other people can relate to having aging relatives with alzheimer.

He would do crazy things like constantly moving the bed around or chop wood. When we have family dinners he would scold guests or pick on certain people like me to keep eating. His memory was in and out and he'd sometimes just remember the past and having to catch the bus.

I would be the only one that would play along with grandpa moving furnitures back and forth or playing along with his jokes.

It annoyed a lot of his kids and relatives. But his only educated son made the comment let's do what our father says if it makes him happy.

Don't take offense to this but it's human nature to have a sense of selfishness. It's our natural defense to protect ourself. Spend the rest of your father's life having happy moments and bear the negativity for your father.