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I have been living in Wellington for some time and I am looking to add a few more friends in my friends bucket.

I would love to find out where all the other SAffers hangout on the weekends.

Hope to be let in on the secrets soon.

Stella :)

See also

Living in Wellington: the expat guideLOOkING FOR NEW FRIENDSMeeting Expats in WellingtonHow to make friends in WellingtonLooking for friends

Hi Stella, welcome on Expat-blog! :)

You may view the South African expatriates in Wellington network to find more contacts.

I wish you good luck and do not hesitate to participate in other discussions on the forum.

All the best,


Hi Stella, from one saffa to another! :)

Where in Wellington are you? Kiwis love to hang out and join clubs. Sports clubs, volunteer clubs etc. If there is something that you have an interest in, find out if there is a club of some sorts for this. One club great for socializing is the cossie club . Great for entertainment any night of the week, sports and dining, etc.

One thing we should not do is try to only find other South African friends. We know of quite a few saffas that only communicate or visit with other saffas. This is quite sad really! We have made friends with a lot of kiwis, Indian folk, Saffa’s, and Chinese people. Just last week we had a picnic at kaitoke national park with our kiwi friends.

I must admit though that there a lot of Afrikaans speaking people now in the Tawa and the Hutt region. Just about every week I hear Afrikaans being spoken in one or more of the stores in town!

Us, as Saffas and where we hang out on the weekends as a family, would be the beach - on a nice day, Tepapa every other year, hiking in the huge array of forests. Barbecue at home. We try to visit somewhere new at least once a month. During school – school sports take up most Saturdays. And then, wahooo, the rugby world cup to look forward to.

Of course we love nature, so usually in the wild somewhere. Your interests may be totally different. Hope you have some more replies. Or let me know your interests, and I might be able to point you in the right direction.

Have fun … and it’s good to meet you! :)


Hi Artaz

Thanks for your reply. I totally agree with you on the SAffers that only make friends with other SAffers. I think that really narrows ones options.

I do have a handful kiwi friends, but I don't have any SA friends. So the reason I have joint this form.

I just want someone that knows where I come from. That home connection. I know that Auckland has a SA bar so I thought that Wellywood might have something similar.

I will keep an eye out for a club that interests me as the pubs and bars don't really appeal. :)


Hi Stella

I feel the same as you do- and I do find Wellington to be really cliquey which makes things harder! There seem to be a lot more Saffas in Porirua and Upper Hutt which doesn't help much if you live in Wellington! If you want to meet up for a coffee or drink let me know!


Yes, you need to know people to meet new people. :D

I live in Upper Hutt, though I do pass a few SAffers in the stores or while walking my dog, i still don't know where they 'hang out'.

And another thing I have noticed very early on is that there don't seem to be a large amount of people my age.

They are either still in school or over 40. not too many in their 20's and 30's.

Yeah would love to meet up for a coffee. Do you work in town?


I live just outside of the city so don't see too many saffas around!

I have found the people that are my age have all known each other since they were kids so aren't too open to meet other people and form friendships!

I do work in town, pretty much as central as you can get so let me know when and where is good for you!


Hi guys,

I'm new to this website, and really looking to meet new people.  I've been in Welly since February, and am finding it hard as I don't have a regular job.  After being in the workforce for the last 6 years I'm now a student, and I find there aren't many people my own age at Uni, they're all teenagers who just want to party, or they are 40+. I lived in New York for 2 years and it was so easy to meet people, I formed a great group of friends and had a fantastic social life.  I hope I can have the same here in Wellington!

If either of you are interested, I would love to meet for coffee or a drink sometime too!! I'm not South African, but I'm a great conversationalist!



I'm keen :) I am in the working environment but everyone at my work is old haha!!


Boy, do I feel old now! :) a few "days" ago, I too was in my 20's, and now I am 40+. Boy how time flies, esp when people think that 40+ is old. Ha..ha

On a more serious note though, I do hope you guys find a group, or friends your age to hang out with!

I will be on my way now, to an old age home to look up some friends, or find a nice old gal to hang out with! :)


Hi All
Did you ladies ever meet up for coffee? If you did and still do I would love to join you over a lunch hour.
Also if anyone has kids (or even if you don't) and keen to meet up for child friendly activities on the weekend let me know. eg : Picnic in Botanic gardens.


Hi everyone,
I have recently moved here from Kempton Park South Africa, living in Lower Hutt. I would love to meet up for coffee if any one is interested.


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