Absolutely Anything Else

@Marilyn Tassy

Cuba yes.

What in that time were Cuba, and a USSR push on the doorsteps of the USA - there is a 180 degree turn: same happened in the doorsteps of Russia in Ukraine (and prior that Georgia/ Belarus attempt) done by NATO.


Funny how many security advisors believed even in 2022 january Russia will back off and let things happen, and warnings are just bluffing there will be no war.

"There's no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there's only one guaranteed way you can have peace -- and you can have it in the next second -- surrender.

Admittedly, there's a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face -- that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight or surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand -- the ultimatum. And what then -- "

Some local news from Hungary - mainly past week:

As usual western mainstream media silent about similars as such things never exist in the world.

https://hungarytoday.hu/german-and-ital … -budapest/

Well opposed with the local media headlines I believe this was mainly a message towards outlanders: like you are not safe even in Hungary (and off course not at home) because 62.5% of the targets were foreigners.

Sure a few Hungarians injured badly as well - but that is always backlash when non-affiliated folks attacked.

As usual we have more profit from enemies then from closest allies.

Actions have consequences here, it is not Germany where an Antifa the interior minister which off course will do nothing against it's circles nor the population that softcore as in West Germany.


  • Many people realised they are not safe here - good morning folks! - so they start to be aware, and get prepared or even join into certain organizations
  • The conservative government (HU) get affraid from an internatinal terrorist group which makes trouble here, and affrraid (Gov + police) to being seen as weak and incompetent and was very busy to put some of the perpetrators into protective costudy before they get dealt accordingly by non-police response
  • The conservative government (HU) get terrified what the response will be from radicals and what the consequences are, like instant respect increase towards certain movements/ organisations and paramilitaries, growing membership, mass growing in patronage and affiliated numbers
  • The Hungarian liberal-left get scared because (mainly) outlanders made trouble here, jet locals will bear more of the consequences

So actually thank you Antifa - by your actions the country taken a great step towards a rhyme in history to became more similar to the Weimar Republic.

Oh just don't forget certain differences between East and West.

Here WE say acab and abolish the police not the liberal-left.


Because if authorities no longer in the way we can deal with enemies accordingly.

Also may requite things when any of us happens to be turn up in Hamburg, Cologne, Malmo, Athens, Torino or any of your strongholds.

As word goes: Russians used maps from 1983 - 1984, which off course did not mention any fallout/ dangerous zones.

Yeah, groups like that are interesting - thanks.
Jet I wonder the group which fights for freedom how quickly would be a terrorist group if for example would done the same against any of the 5 eye alliance. 1f920.svg
The age of double standards are funny.

I was in a country where I asked for some maps of the country - an ex USSR country. So they were duly produced. And they were blatantly wrong. Missing towns, misplaced buildings. All the things one might expect. Useless really. It would have been easier to use Google maps.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighters. I've thought recently this is a specious argument. And a probably a red herring.

The difference is that freedom fighters generally want to engage politically and aim for peace or settlement by negotiation. Arms is a last resort.  It's not for the sake of some mayhem, domination of a group or some other weird arguments made by terrorists.

And of course, 5-eyes didn't invade Ukraine, Putin did.

As usual we have more profit from enemies then from closest allies.


Lots of words.  Not always in an order that makes sense. Better to post a TLDR version.

Anyway, all of that apparent fear you talk about - haha, yeah, right! - hasn't stopped István Tiborcz (OV's son in law) buying a large chunk of Waberer's Transport.  Makes you wonder if they leant on the owner over something.     

Obviously the HU government is not afraid of anyone when it comes to consolidating it's power economically to survive the years out of power.    The thing is that, someone, sometime is going to come after them to explain their wealth. It's a house of cards. I expect the cash is being shipped to Dubai as I type.

I was in a country where I asked for some maps of the country - an ex USSR country. So they were duly produced. And they were blatantly wrong. Missing towns, misplaced buildings. All the things one might expect. Useless really. It would have been easier to use Google maps.

Often that is intentional - called Maskirovka.

In Russia up to date at least a dozen cities missing from all public maps.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighters. I've thought recently this is a specious argument. And a probably a red herring.

Or both - depending on the time.

In 1980's: Talibans are nice freedom fighters against the evil Soviets. Let's send them weapons!

In 2000's: Talibans are evil terrorist dare to fight against US!


In early 2010's: ISIS is good will help to depose Assad.

In 2015: Arrrrg. ISIS no longer can be controlled, evil terorist, let's arm other groups and call them moderate opposition which will help to dispose Assad.

And of course, 5-eyes didn't invade Ukraine, Putin did.

Nope, governmental and non-govermental organizations orchastated a coup and made a troublesome vassal state (because radicals who win on the streets refused to disperse afterwards and accept the role of just useful idiots).

Even the mainstream (BBC) response was like this then:


So they provoked a war to eliminate the UKR radicals in a meat grinder - and off course needs a destructed country which is profitable to rebuilt via a new "marshall" plan into their taste.

But your video was about Belarus.

Oh wait - there the mostly same governmental and non-govermental organizations orchastated  a failed Orange Revolution in 2020.


Just the article then:

https://hungarytoday.hu/german-and-ital … -budapest/

Consequences: you can assume yourself if mine is TLDR.

And of course, 5-eyes didn't invade Ukraine, Putin did.

Nope, governmental and non-govermental organizations orchastated a coup and made a troublesome vassal state (because radicals who win on the streets refused to disperse afterwards and accept the role of just useful idiots).
Even the mainstream (BBC) response was like this then:
So they provoked a war to eliminate the UKR radicals in a meat grinder - and off course needs a destructed country which is profitable to rebuilt via a new "marshall" plan into their taste.

But your video was about Belarus.
Oh wait - there the mostly same governmental and non-govermental organizations orchastated a failed Orange Revolution in 2020.

Well, I'd disagree with that wording.  It seems to be against the UKRs having self-determination. Might be trolling.

I've been to Ukraine multiple times working.  It was OK there but strangely expensive.  Quite a weird place actually. I liked their flexibility etc.  And they were OK to work with.

Ukraine didn't want to be under Putin's thumb Lukashenko style and so Putin's proxy Yanukovych was ousted because he wouldn't sign the association agreement with the EU which the people clearly wanted.  Then of course, Putin invaded Crimea in 2014 and the drive to all out war between Ukraine and Russia became fully engaged.    Belarus will cease to exist if Lukashenko dies or is overthrown. Lukashenko is just Putin's puppet anyway - who cares about him.   It's the same in places like Chechnya with the bearded wonder Kadroyvites - Putin pays for him to be an ally even if his mercenaries are quite rubbish (and many Chechens are on the UKR side anyway).  Belarus was devastated by the Russians in WW2.  They haven't forgotten - no appetite for war with Ukraine.   And then there's the CSTO states.  They aren't happy with Putin. They will be under threat themselves from Putin's expansionist plans. Kazakhstan already told Putin "no" to supply of troops etc.   

Out of all of these outcomes, Putin really needs to be out of the picture. But one should be careful what one wishes for - Medvedev could be even worse than the incumbent evil.  But Putin is right in one way - the West does need Russia to be declawed or divided.  Be better really if it broke up peacefully post-Putin.   It would stop presidents like Putin appearing and doing the same again.  I can see the Chinese having some interest in that kind of plan.  If they invaded Sakahlin Island or took Vladivostock, I don't see anyone in the West raising too much of an objection.   Probably there will be a conference for peace where all neighbouring parties will be involved and have a say in what Russia will look like.  Maybe even civil war will break out there.

There will indeed be a new Marshall Plan.  Billions will be spent and much funding will come from and go to the West, to be spent on Western expertise and materials. It will be boom town in UKR.  They will find a way for Russia to pay reparations for generations.  I read a while back an estimate of $1 trillion to rebuild in Ukraine.  That's an awful lot of jobs and money for a very long time. I spoke to a guy just this morning and he told me his company plans for projects in Ukraine post-conflict are well advanced.  Seems a good idea. I cannot see much of that money coming to HU though.

Just the article then:
https://hungarytoday.hu/german-and-ital … -budapest/

Consequences: you can assume yourself if mine is TLDR.

Yes, read it already. Prefer the sources to be quoted so as to form own opinion.

Hungary Today seems to have changed it's tone. It used to be reasonable. Now it looks like some kind of OV mouthpiece. Not sure if the ownership changed but quite probably did. Unfortunately it's not looking like it's a trustworthy publication now. 

Telex.hu looks better now.

Just the article then:
https://hungarytoday.hu/german-and-ital … -budapest/

Consequences: you can assume yourself if mine is TLDR.

Yes, read it already. Prefer the sources to be quoted so as to form own opinion.

Hungary Today seems to have changed it's tone. It used to be reasonable. Now it looks like some kind of OV mouthpiece. Not sure if the ownership changed but quite probably did. Unfortunately it's not looking like it's a trustworthy publication now.

Telex.hu looks better now.


Hungary Today seems to have changed it's tone. It used to be reasonable. Now it looks like some kind of OV mouthpiece. Not sure if the ownership changed but quite probably did. Unfortunately it's not looking like it's a trustworthy publication now.

Telex.hu looks better now.

Sure when something not fit into the narrative then must be the media of the enemy. 1f60e.svg

Sure Telex looks better after all that is fully independent from Hungary or any Hungarian/ East European interest and just the propaganda machine of the Biden administration.

"A programunk ötletével több különböző, nyílt pályázaton is indultunk, végül az amerikai DRL (Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor) támogatja két évre 740 740 dollárral. "


https://telex.hu/belfold/2022/12/16/itt … -jelentese

So even they say openly.


Similarly trustworthy media:


Money comes from:

  • national endowment for democracy (cc. US congress)
  • The Foundation for Democracy and Pluralism (which is ruled by Daniel Sachs - who is BTW the CEO of the Soros owned Open Society Fundation): 200.000 Euros in 2021
  • German Marshall Fund ("The president of GMF is Heather Conley, who joined in 2021 following the departure of Karen Donfried, who left the role she had had since 2014 to join the State Department as Assistant Secretary of State for Europe in the Biden administration.")

Near them off course the other similarly funded independent from Hungary/ Hungarian interest medias like as:

  • 444
  • 24
  • 168 óra
  • mérce
  • átlátszó
  • portfólió
  • magyar narancs

Off corse there are more which advocates for the same narrative, but not as much directly ruled/ funded from abroad.

So there are quite much variety of trustworthy narratives in a country where EU says no press freedom/ freedom of expression at all. 1f914.svg


Strange list.

Index as Right, conservatism    ???

Also some less than accurate.

Strange list.
Index as Right, conservatism  ???

Also some less than accurate.

Yes, we all know what happened to it and how the journalists left to create telex.hu once OV had his lackys on it.

Now it spouts OV's agenda. It used to be pretty good and trustworthy. On a par with The Economist.

It's just OV's blatant moves to remove independent press scrutiny and with that accountability.

I shouldn't need to say that independent media is vital for democracy.   


Nice list.  Thanks.

Yes, we all know what happened to it and how the journalists left to create telex.hu once OV had his lackys on it.

Sure that was loud.

Still index is more than slightly left leaning with some liberal features based on their articles.

I shouldn't need to say that independent media is vital for democracy. 

Independent from what?

From who's money, ownership, interest or narrative?

A few comments back there is a list with medias which are definitely independent from any Hungarian interest, funded from mainly abroad and present the narrative and interest of the Biden administration/ US Democratic Party + other foreign groups.

Why not convince the Ayatollah to start a media in for example Germany?

When that would be funded from the Ayatollah's money, and advocate for his interest/ present his narrative that sure would be independent media... from the German interest/ narrative for sure.


Not TLDR for me. 1f609.svg

"It seems to be against the UKRs having self-determination."

That is hard for them sadly.

A proxy duel between one alliance and another.

Who really cares for the well being of their country and nation? Hardly anyone in power / any of their governments since their short lived indepence after ww1 before the territory get part of the USSR.

But even if there would be a leadership which at least wish to care about the people that would be hard because the country even then would be no more stable than Yugoslavia was.

I also loved to be in Ukraine.

Even was among the possible places to settle in as a resident (same with Russia, Argentine, Columbia, Mexcico, Thailand, etc...).

"Ukraine didn't want to be under Putin's thumb"

Mainly true for west UKR.

To have a friendly realationship carried some benefit for both.

"Yanukovych was ousted because he wouldn't sign the association agreement with the EU which the people clearly wanted."

What certain western groups clearly wanted.

So they funded and orhastated a coup what they prepared for years.

People supported oncoming towards EU? - sure millions of them (in Western UKR even may close to half), just as many Hungarians believed in 1956 because of Free Europe Radio and others that the west is so good nice, whatever, and USA will come with an army and help the Hungarian revulution against USSR. History rhymes.

"Then of course"

many things happened in 2014 (even before Crimea) -> would be TLDR

"Belarus will cease to exist if Lukashenko dies"


"Lukashenko is just Putin's puppet anyway"

Since 2020 mostly yes. Thanks for the orange revolution attempt when it was clear to impossible to play/ balance between both sides and remain semi independent. They choose the bear.

"And then there's the CSTO states.  They aren't happy with Putin. They will be under threat themselves from Putin's expansionist plans. Kazakhstan already told Putin "no" to supply of troops etc. "

I believe you meant CIS.

Sure they must be careful, they can be more or less semi-independent and carefuly balancing. But purely against Russia? That is very dangerous. Also must be on alert before international players try to use them as proxy against Russia (like: Georgia, UKR., Belarus).

In the past when there was some sense like in US politics that was their worst fear (old Bush, Kissinger, etc...) that Russia can be desintegrated and have even far worse and uncontrollable impact on global security. That was exactly a reasonable demand that among all the CIS countries only Russia should have nukes among many other similarly important security concerns.

"There will indeed be a new Marshall Plan.  Billions will be spent and much funding will come from and go to the West, to be spent on Western expertise and materials."

For modern colonization, and brainwashing - control minds too as do economy and politics.

As it happened with for example Germany which was not independent for a minute since 1945 ven the troops remained there openly.

"I spoke to a guy just this morning and he told me his company plans for projects in Ukraine post-conflict are well advanced.  Seems a good idea."

Agree. There were and will be very good business opportunities.

"I cannot see much of that money coming to HU though."

Happily not.

After ww2 even the not jet fully communist Hun Government refused to accept Marshall Plan. Because there were certain conditions what btw W. Europe groans still.

But probably will happen: certain western groups prepare to make similar orange revolution, or at least state default in Hungary as they changed regimes in Yugoslavia, Georgia, Ukraine, tried Belarus, etc... (long list of wars, coups since 1945 (and before)).



"And then there's the CSTO states. They aren't happy with Putin. They will be under threat themselves from Putin's expansionist plans. Kazakhstan already told Putin "no" to supply of troops etc. "

I believe you meant CIS.
Sure they must be careful, they can be more or less semi-independent and carefuly balancing. But purely against Russia? That is very dangerous. Also must be on alert before international players try to use them as proxy against Russia (like: Georgia, UKR., Belarus).

Agree. There were and will be very good business opportunities.

"I cannot see much of that money coming to HU though."

Happily not.
After ww2 even the not jet fully communist Hun Government refused to accept Marshall Plan. Because there were certain conditions what btw W. Europe groans still.
But probably will happen: certain western groups prepare to make similar orange revolution, or at least state default in Hungary as they changed regimes in Yugoslavia, Georgia, Ukraine, tried Belarus, etc... (long list of wars, coups since 1945 (and before)).

No, I really meant CSTO. Putin didn't manage to persuade them.  And not surprising. As I said, Putin is a threat to them too.

No-one cares about Hungary in this conflict.  I cannot see Orban getting a single Euro or at a push perhaps a token janitorial contract cleaning toilets in Donbas.  Hungary is inconsequential to the final outcome.

The big players who were ZE's friends will get the big contracts.  Belarus and Russia will be in the wilderness for at least a generation, probably even two.

Why not convince the Ayatollah to start a media in for example Germany?
When that would be funded from the Ayatollah's money, and advocate for his interest/ present his narrative that sure would be independent media... from the German interest/ narrative for sure.

No-one has to convince the Ayatollah.

They already have a TV channel - at least in the UK. It's called Press TV.  I don't know if it appears elsewhere - never looked at it.

It's similar to RT, with "journalist" apologists taking regime money to spout their sponsors' views however distasteful.

I believe it's $500 for "commentator" input supporting Iran or wherever - insert your favourite dictator country.

There is an Iranian opposition TV channel which has closed down it's office in the UK due to threats to its staff by the regime. They will continue broadcasting worldwide from Washington DC instead. I don't know the name of the channel but someone can look it up if that interested.

For a bit of schadenfreude, there is a bit of a parallel with the Fox TV vs Dominion debacle currently being played out in a $1.6B lawsuit in the USA. Turns out the "journalists" there have been caught out big time. And Murdoch nowhere to be seen.

They already have a TV channel - at least in the UK. It's called Press TV.  I don't know if it appears elsewhere - never looked at it.

I just checked, and we have around 40 News channels and don't get Press TV on Sky.

They already have a TV channel - at least in the UK. It's called Press TV. I don't know if it appears elsewhere - never looked at it.

I just checked, and we have around 40 News channels and don't get Press TV on Sky.

I thought it had only stopped broadcasting recently but it seems its UK licence was revoked in 2012.   But anyway, it is essentially Ayatollah TV.  I don't know where it can be received, never seen Press TV or watched any of its programming and no interest in catching up with all the latest propaganda from Tehran.

BTW, haven't  got Sky - used to have it when it was on satellite but that was quite some years ago.  When they changed the satellite footprint, we were messing with different dishes. In the end,  we just fizzled out on it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

No-one has to convince the Ayatollah.

They already have a TV channel - at least in the UK. It's called Press TV.  I don't know if it appears elsewhere - never looked at it.

It's similar to RT, with "journalist" apologists taking regime money to spout their sponsors' views however distasteful.


I don't know about land based broadcast in UK (or any western country).

It have a website with English language news/ some programs for sure https://www.presstv.ir/ but that based in Teheran, just similarly as Al Jazeera English which is in Qatar.

Among the two I prefer Al Jazeera - broader in topics/ narrative.

Anyway several of the presstv chanels are also censored by youtube and other western big tech.

RT is actually among the least propogandic Russian medias.

Also a nice collection of very different topics and quality documentaries.

I am a frequenter since late 2000'.

But sure the fate of RT is also an example of censorship in the western world.

Media freedom in democracies are just fake phrases as usual.

What does not fit in the mainstream narrative is either shadow banned or even censored.


Depending what called quality of life.

Like certain parts of Australia went full dictatorship in past years, and whole Canada.

From Canada some choosed to live instead in Florida as de facto "refugees".

No, I really meant CSTO. Putin didn't manage to persuade them. And not surprising. As I said, Putin is a threat to them too.

No-one cares about Hungary in this conflict. I cannot see Orban getting a single Euro or at a push perhaps a token janitorial contract cleaning toilets in Donbas. Hungary is inconsequential to the final outcome.

The big players who were ZE's friends will get the big contracts. Belarus and Russia will be in the wilderness for at least a generation, probably even two.

CSTO is quite a loose cooperation.

"Hungary is inconsequential to the final outcome."

Sure - Hungary have no intention to participate in the conflict in the East Front.

As for Marshall Plan: Hungary did reject (to participate in) the one after ww2 with reason.

If there would be ever a leadership in Ukraine who cares about that land/ people there then they would reject any similar too.

The big players are no friends of Zelensky: but his masters.

Belarus and Russia will be in the wilderness for at least a generation, probably even two.

As the mainstream propaganda (like: CNN, BBC, etc...) says so.

Psyops goes full steam since 2012.

History decides.

No-one has to convince the Ayatollah.

They already have a TV channel - at least in the UK. It's called Press TV. I don't know if it appears elsewhere - never looked at it.

It's similar to RT, with "journalist" apologists taking regime money to spout their sponsors' views however distasteful.


I don't know about land based broadcast in UK (or any western country).
It have a website with English language news/ some programs for sure https://www.presstv.ir/ but that based in Teheran, just similarly as Al Jazeera English which is in Qatar.
Among the two I prefer Al Jazeera - broader in topics/ narrative.

Anyway several of the presstv chanels are also censored by youtube and other western big tech.

RT is actually among the least propogandic Russian medias.
Also a nice collection of very different topics and quality documentaries.
I am a frequenter since late 2000'.

But sure the fate of RT is also an example of censorship in the western world.
Media freedom in democracies are just fake phrases as usual.
What does not fit in the mainstream narrative is either shadow banned or even censored.

According to Wikipedia, PressTV broadcasts in Iran and has an international arm of the same name.  Al-Jazeera has some reasonable reporting and I've seen bits of it.   

PressTV and RT have been banned in the UK and probably other places.    I have seen RT but meh, who cares about it.

Personally I don't really watch broadcast TV news - takes too long. I'm usually looking at Internet based BBC and Euronews. I listen to the radio far more as I can do it while I'm working. I dip in other sites like The Economist and I view some of their Zoom briefings, particularly about Ukraine.  They have quality journalists.  It's not some tabloid gutter press.

A free press is a cornerstone of democracy. It's part of accountability.   But part of that lately in the new media world is understanding what could be fake news or misinformation. I pretty sure the BBC and Euronews report correctly and don't embellish.  They have been known to misreport and they've been caught.  But generally it's proper journalism. Healthy cynicism doesn't go amiss.

If anyone fancies a bit of a laugh, look up all the discussions about Fox News and Dominion (try YouTube).  Apparently in the (publicly documented) court case Dominion is bringing against Fox News, we can learn Tucker Carlson (OV's friend) and others really think of the Teflon Don from e-mails apparently circulated amongst the team there at Fox News. 

In some ways, it's quite funny, in other ways it's truly sad.

No, I really meant CSTO. Putin didn't manage to persuade them. And not surprising. As I said, Putin is a threat to them too.

No-one cares about Hungary in this conflict. I cannot see Orban getting a single Euro or at a push perhaps a token janitorial contract cleaning toilets in Donbas. Hungary is inconsequential to the final outcome.

The big players who were ZE's friends will get the big contracts. Belarus and Russia will be in the wilderness for at least a generation, probably even two.

CSTO is quite a loose cooperation.

"Hungary is inconsequential to the final outcome."

Sure - Hungary have no intention to participate in the conflict in the East Front.

As for Marshall Plan: Hungary did reject (to participate in) the one after ww2 with reason.
If there would be ever a leadership in Ukraine who cares about that land/ people there then they would reject any similar too.

The big players are no friends of Zelensky: but his masters.

Belarus and Russia will be in the wilderness for at least a generation, probably even two.

As the mainstream propaganda (like: CNN, BBC, etc...) says so.
Psyops goes full steam since 2012.

History decides.

CSTO is falling to pieces.

Since the Russians did nothing to stop Azerbaijan prompted by Turkey invading the previously Armenian administered territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. It's not going to end well. I cannot see Armenia remaining in the CSTO.  On the upside (for Russia), Kazakhstan's President does owe Russia for quelling the recent civil unrest. But that's about it.

Lukashenko thinks it means something to be in a Union with Russia but it just means being subjugated to Putin's will. If Luka turned against PU, he would fall out of a window and Belarus would be a Russian province. PU's plan to resurrect the Soviet Union means the countries in CSTO bend to PU's will.  I don't think they want that - they've been independent for 30 years.

More locally, no-one cares if HU participates or not in a wider conflict (god forbid), nor in any plans thereafter.  I doubt the HU military's abilities anyway. It's military is just too small to make any real difference. In any case, if there was a land based assistance by NATO into Ukraine, it would via Poland. I don't think any of the current borders would make any difference.  I suspect if NATO was involved, it would be mainly air power. UKR has it pretty much sown up militarily on the ground. 

An interesting aspect would be Sweden and Finland. Sweden are hotshots on military gear and Finland has a very extensive territorial army.  They would need to be mobilised if Russia decided to make another mistake invading Finland (again). Kalingrad would be lost to Russia within days or at least, most of it's ability to mobilise for war would be destroyed. The Baltics would help to reinforce the Suwałki gap and their borders with Russia.

Moldova is quite in a pickle. Transnistria is held by about 1500 locally recruited Russian speaker soldiers. They seem to be completely cut off from Russia. Maybe it will force the separatists to the negotiating table. Speculating even further into the future, I could see a scenario where Ukraine invades Transnistria to remove any Russian threat from there. The place is full of Ukrainians so it could happen with local support. Maybe even Romania gets involved as peacekeepers, with the region returning to Moldova after a time. I suppose many Russians there would choose to leave for Russia.

My reasoning on generations to change Russia is based on knowledge of acceptance of societal change. Not media BS.

It's Pancake Day (aka Shrove Tuesday) today.

Today is the day to make pancakes.

Lemon, sugar (or substitute), cinnamon, jams and marmalade at the ready!

It's Pancake Day (aka Shrove Tuesday) today.
Today is the day to make pancakes.

Lemon, sugar (or substitute), cinnamon, jams and marmalade at the ready!

Every day is Pancake day in Austria :D

It's Pancake Day (aka Shrove Tuesday) today.
Today is the day to make pancakes.

Lemon, sugar (or substitute), cinnamon, jams and marmalade at the ready!

Every day is Pancake day in Austria big_smile.png


Are those real pancakes?

I'm thinking more like Scotch pancakes.

Preferably with raisins. Yummm......

Same mix as Yorkshire Puds differently cooked.

Work of the Gods.





I raise you Scotch pancakes (aka drop scones):



Is that ice cream?  Sacrilege!


Is that ice cream? Sacrilege!

Yes Eispalatschinken


Is that ice cream? Sacrilege!

Yes Eispalatschinken

Oh, the shame of it.....not one for the purists.

I think my kids would go for it.

I'm old school Scotch pancakes like wot my mother used to make (from an NZ recipe).   Even my Mrs follows the NZ recipe. 

They used to be called pikelets as well.


We have pretty much anything that goes with them.


Reminds me of the place everyone in LA would go to after either clubing or having a few at a house party .

A Ca. thing.

Jam 10 people in a VW bug and go eat pancakes at 2 am at the 24 hour International House of Pancakes.

Can't remember how many runs( literally?) we made to that restaurant while in High School on a Friday night. Mom thinking we were all tucked in at a friends house...

I am not a huge fan of them.

My son is an expert at making paltaschinken .

I swear every single morning for the entire 6 months we visited him in Vegas, he got up before he went off to work and made he and his wife these. Stuffed with cottage cheese.

It became a ,"running" joke with my husband and I.

I perfer slavic style potatoe pancakes heaped with sour cream.

Once as a young teen my step-dad bought what he thought were,"fancy" Jewsih style type pancakes from a deli and brought them home.

They had cheese inside and were really tiny like a mini-version of the Hungarian style ones.

I spent the next 12 hours heaving them up.

On that memeory alone I think I'll pass on pancake day!

I think those cheese cakes that did me in were called kinshes?

The cakes must of been sitting too long or it was the summer heat that turned them bad.

I lived in Flatbush NYC for over 3 months in a predominnantly Jewish neighborhood and thought all the local foods were rather tasty.Deli heaven!

Just takes one bad meal to ruin things though.

My mother used to make potatoe pancakes once in awhile.

My slavic father taught her I think.

She never made them as often as we liked but I understand why not.

She would hand grate each potaote which seemed to take forever. Cooking one or two at a time on the stove for 6 people.

The days before food processors.

Poor mom, she literally was slaving away at the stove half the day.

When we got older she would put one of us on ,"potatoe grating" duty.

We have pretty much anything that goes with them.


Looks like pizza. 

I always think of pancakes as sweet dishes but I guess, savoury versions are good too.

According to Wikipedia, PressTV broadcasts in Iran and has an international arm of the same name. Al-Jazeera has some reasonable reporting and I've seen bits of it. 

Personally I don't really watch broadcast TV news - takes too long. I'm usually looking at Internet based BBC and Euronews. I listen to the radio far more as I can do it while I'm working. I dip in other sites like The Economist and I view some of their Zoom briefings, particularly about Ukraine. They have quality journalists. It's not some tabloid gutter press.

A free press is a cornerstone of democracy. It's part of accountability.  But part of that lately in the new media world is understanding what could be fake news or misinformation. I pretty sure the BBC and Euronews report correctly and don't embellish. They have been known to misreport and they've been caught. But generally it's proper journalism. Healthy cynicism doesn't go amiss.


What I often appreciate about Al-Jazeera hat they go after some really risky on-site reports.

Like not that usual to have reports with cartels in their strongholds, or on-site war reports in the middle east, and we agree on: notable documentaries in various topics.

Sure will not agreee on what is considered controlled narrative/ propaganda.

Actually it seems like a 180 degree opposite.

For me medias, like: Euronews, CNN, NYT, The Guardian, BBC, Deutsche Welle, and similars are just worth to check out time to time to get updated on things like:

  • what are the plans of the estabilisment, what do they prepare for (upcoming regime change plans, prepared insurgencies in countries, civil wars, war preparations),
  • what narrative they try to push and why,
  • learn new psyops/ perception management tactics
  • updated on existing hostile international/ non-govermental organisations (what they praise)
  • get hints on questions they are silent about/ censor (worth to check out those)

So as for me I do refuse to live in a buble and regulary check out the different interests and goals, different sides and narratives.

Also what determined by them/ fact checkers as "fake news" also worth to check out.

Or like in regard with the USA: if an organization is not on the list of Southern Poverty Law Center that is most likely worthless.

More profit from enemies than from best friends/ allies.

I think those cheese cakes that did me in were called kinshes?
The cakes must of been sitting too long or it was the summer heat that turned them bad.
I lived in Flatbush NYC for over 3 months in a predominnantly Jewish neighborhood and thought all the local foods were rather tasty.Deli heaven!
Just takes one bad meal to ruin things though.
My mother used to make potatoe pancakes once in awhile.
My slavic father taught her I think.
She never made them as often as we liked but I understand why not.
She would hand grate each potaote which seemed to take forever. Cooking one or two at a time on the stove for 6 people.
The days before food processors.
Poor mom, she literally was slaving away at the stove half the day.
When we got older she would put one of us on ,"potatoe grating" duty.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Potato pancakes?  Rather nice sounding. I know about that grating duty for some other Hungarian thing we have here sometimes.

But aren't we getting into langos territory?  On Pancake Day?

I must say I'm rather taken with langos, especially sour cream and cheese topping versions.

Just a big flat donut really.

One of the things I like to have when down in Balaton.