
Less than six months to the Olympics, Croatian tourist shot in Rio

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Rio is completely incapable of controlling crimes of violence that occur now. How in the world can the government of this country and the State of Rio de Janeiro even begin to expect that the rest of the world are going to simply trust that they'll be safe when they come to the 2016 Olympic Games???

Roberto Bosniak, a Croatian tourist, was shot 3 times when he was attacked by assailants. He suffered two gunshot wounds in the leg and another in the abdomen. Bosniak was taken to Miguel Couto Hospital in Leblon, where he underwent surgery. Fortunately he is now out of danger.

Of course the assailants made a clean getaway, as always.

Coming to the Olympics??? Two bits of advice, either buy a bullet-proof vest or stay home.

James Experts Team

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideBeach TrikeBrazil Visitor E-Visa Is OnlineDigital Nomad Visa RenewalBringing animals ( dogs and cats) to Brazil

:one Let the "fun" begin


Pete, it's gonna be a 'Hot Me$$!  I recently read the Top Ten deadliest cities and Rio was on it for it will be an eye opening event.


if the local yobs, can go around shooting people, what about the true professional nutter, that really know how to kill, and blow up people, coming here is going to a walk in the park


could we say, it might be  "Munich 2"


This video is a little long yet it is scary !  After a few moments of watching those interested will see where it is going, for if it's like this now it can only be crazier!
Criminals Target Olympic Area's


This video is nothing compared to the real criminals, the carjackings, motorcycle thefts, kidnappings to force you to use your ATM and credit cards.

These are just the everyday street kids committing petty thefts to feed their drug habits. Rare indeed that anything ever gets done about them because they're back out on the street with mommy and daddy before the cops even finish writing up their report so the cops just don't bother arresting them.

Worse still, according to the laws here, they're just poor little babies who don't know what they're doing. Even if you're defending yourself from being robbed by one of them if you beat the snot out of any of them, it's you who goes to jail. You can't lay a finger on a 'dimenor'.

These are a bit more serious. In the footage of the 'arrastão' on the beach in Copacabana EVERYBODY running from the left to right on the screen are adolescents robbing tourists.

James Experts Team


Dear James.
Which is the nearest international airport to barretos? 
Or rather I want to ask which is the best and economical suggestion to reach barretos either from oman or from India

Your response is generously awaited


Less than six months to the Olympics and less than 50 % sales of event tickets.


50% of tickets sold, is that because you might only be getting 50% of the Olympics


For a person living in Brazil and speaking so negatively about it, I think James should find a new place to live


Sidinho wrote:

For a person living in Brazil and speaking so negatively about it, I think James should find a new place to live

I think you mistake speaking honestly and not sugar-coating things as being negative.  Would you be happier if James painted only rosy pictures and made garbage dumps look like well-manicured tropical gardens?

I would not tolerate such obvious deceptions and would quickly come not to trust anyone who did so.


Sidinho wrote:

For a person living in Brazil and speaking so negatively about it, I think James should find a new place to live

Obviously a Brazilian, here just to TROLL.  You've been living on dreams of Brazil your whole life my friend, hopefully you'll wake up from that dream once you get here and the brutal reality sets in. Good luck with that, it will obviously be a great disillusion to you.

Oh, and since you speak Portuguese then you shouldn't have any difficulty understanding this just on the news YESTERDAY. … neiro.html

I don't candy-coat facts, I also won't lie and say Brazil is all milk and honey either; but I don't INVENT information that is not true.

James Experts Team


mdadilkhan89 wrote:

Dear James.
Which is the nearest international airport to barretos? 
Or rather I want to ask which is the best and economical suggestion to reach barretos either from oman or from India

Your response is generously awaited

Your question is way off topic, but Guarulhos International Airport is the closest.

James Experts Team


If pollution doesn’t ruin Brazil’s Olympics, will the political drama? … -prospects
For those following the games, and if of interest.
Enjoy the read !


Shows how completely out of touch with reality some of these people really are. I almost fell of my chair reading Joao Augusto de Castro Neves' pronouncement that,

"And even if Rousseff’s government falls, the Olympics are a fairly self-sustaining event that relies more on Rio de Janeiro’s state and city governments than Brazil’s increasingly unstable federal government."

He seems to ignore completely the fact that the economy of the State of Rio de Janeiro is also on the verge of collapse, they can't even pay state employees' salaries on time. He also conveniently forgets that both current Governor Luiz Fernando Pezão and former Governor Sérgio Cabral are both under investigation for corruption. While Mayor Eduardo Paes is no saint either by any stretch of the imagination. He's switched his party allegiances no less than 6 times throughout his political life. At best he's just a will of the wisp and at worst an opportunistic crook just like all those now under investigation who he staunchly supports.

Riordan Rouet says, “This is a period of uncertainty, not crisis. Brazilians deal with problems like this very well,” Well ain't that typically a Brazilian attitude??? If he doesn't consider the current situation facing both Rio and Brazil as a crisis, I have to wonder exactly what he would consider as one? And just how do Brazilians deal with problems like this anyway? Well that's simple, they all have exactly the same attitude... Any problem ignored long enough resolves itself. Psssst! wake up Mr. Rouet, things don't work that way in the real world.

Eric Farnsworth is the only one who seems to have removed his head from way up inside his fundamental orifice at least long enough to realize that the bad press that Brazil and Rio are getting in the international media will impact greatly on the games and many people will simply choose to stay home. The old saw about - Suppose they threw a party and nobody came - suddenly leaps to mind.

I'm sorry, but I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that people from all over the globe are to simply take it on blind faith that governments that can't look after their own issues of public security, public health and transportation are somehow going to be able to look after THEIRS too. Explain that to me if you can?

James Experts Team


Rio De Janeiro Announces Security Training With U.S. Agents | The Rio Times | Brazil News … -s-agents/

Wonder if this will help, just fyi and if anyone has the time, enjoy the read.
make today a good day!


I've been watching the ongoing conversation here and thought you all might like this article -

Brazil's President Digs In: "I Will Never Resign Under Any Circumstances!"

"....It's truly difficult to know what to say at this point. The country is rapidly becoming a banana republic and may well go down in history as one of the most spectacular examples of economic and political backsliding the modern world has ever seen" … cumstances


My god they only just started, sounds like lip service


An interesting tidbit today -

Covert US Operations Undermine Brazil Olympics

"....As reported … 22 Brazilian military and federal police officers underwent military and paramilitary training last March, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, at the North Carolina headquarters of Academi, infamous formerly as Blackwater. Meanwhile in Brazil, 800 police from nine states received training from the FBI."

Brazil’s political and industrial establishment has been targeted for exercising independence from the US during the country’s long economic boom, which is now over. … -olympics/


Why is the "West" helping the Brazilian to get ready for the Olympics' when you would of thought they should of dealt with this before now


Just keeping with the post, for those who are interested,  I found this tidbit and just sharing information.

With Brazil in crisis, who has time for the Olympics? … soc_trk=ma

Make the weekend Gr8!


Brazil seems to have a very high crime rate, notably against tourists.
There are political problems, perhaps partially caused by international events.
There's an enormous corruption scandal
There's a massive drugs problem, much of it being hard drugs such as crack.

So why are the Olympics there?


Fred wrote:

Brazil seems to have a very high crime rate, notably against tourists.
There are political problems, perhaps partially caused by international events.
There's an enormous corruption scandal
There's a massive drugs problem, much of it being hard drugs such as crack.

So why are the Olympics there?

There is crime everywhere these days. There is a Olympic Board that is voted on and the decision of where the Olympics will be held voted on by All Countries that participate and when Brasil was selected it's economy was very good this was 8 years I believe ago the decision was made, Crack is everywhere and so is every other drug , corruption is everywhere from main street to wall street. There is some good information on Brasil listed above, take the time and brief a few of the post for there are many on the Brasil Expat Forum. There are also post on being Safe in Brazil. Politics is a problem everywhere and economic problems everywhere. So I guess one could say SCDDDC ( same crap differant day differant country) the old saying is "Build it and They will come" I hoped that solved some of the Mystery of Brazil.
Havê a good day and check out a few of the forum post for the whole story


Less than 5 months until the Olympics and both the Minister of Sports and the Minister of Tourism have resigned their posts...........


That good More work for Lula


It's a dirty job and someone will be man or woman enough to take it on. One cannot make this stuff up. It makes you wonder how deep the problem will be come. We have lava jato and now we have "Open Swim" talvez? I wonder how much funds was misused and who will be the fall person. This is turning into a really,really, really, real bad melodrama for these people resigned for a reason and it will be bought out, I wonder what the Olympic Commitee is thinking about how to make the Athletes and there respected countries feel safe and organized. I wonder if some countries will back out and cast blame on Brasil.


Failure to sell Olympic seats is Brazil's big ticket headache

April 2, 2016

Rio de Janeiro (AFP) - Brazil's government sounded the alarm Saturday over meager sales of Olympic tickets and public apathy just five months before Rio hosts South America's first Summer Games.

With worries about the Zika virus, high crime and a major political crisis already overshadowing the August 5 opening ceremony, Brazil now faces the embarrassing prospect of empty stadiums.

Only 50 percent of tickets to the Olympics have sold so far, Rio 2016 organizing committee spokesman Phil Wilkinson told AFP on Saturday. For the Paralympics, which follow the main Games, the figure is far worse: just 12 percent.

Ricardo Leyser, who this week replaced George Hilton as Brazil's minister of sport, said in an interview with Folha newspaper that he was working on a plan to boost purchases -- as well as to stir up more excitement among Brazilians.

One measure could be the government buying unsold tickets, particularly for the Paralympics, and distributing them among schools, he said.

Read more: … --oly.html


Well that's one way to fix it through Money at the problem and it is a temporary fix, I am thinking of the maintenance of the facilities and infrastructure maintenance to follow the Olympics for every country and city that has hosted this event are either bankrupt and the facilities are broken, in disrepair or torn down. It's like making a child nine minutes of bliss for a lifetime of care and worry.  The money should be put towards housing with decent sewer,electric and water and that is a lifetime of education for the up and coming generations for I am not to criticize or legitimize any of the actions that have gotten to this point. With the layoffs and loss of jobs worldwide economic slowing people are concerned about the eating and survival games at least I am, travel to Brasil is not feasible for some and feeding oneself and family with housing is a lot of money. I hope the games take off and it is a Win for the country yet with all the turmoil and uncertainty. The games will be short lived yet the poverty and injustice will continue as well as the criminality and the restlessness of the people for it should be a joyous time for Brasil and the people of Brasil and not one of disappointment or delusion.


what paranoid gibberish..this dailybell is really your source of news? wow.


And now we Welcome News of the Swine Flu, what else does the country need, it just keeps adding to the pressure of problems. What's next on the agenda. I was unable to add the link yet the article is in the Rio times. This is crazy. What I have read is it is not a epidemic just a report. I wonder how this will affect people coming to the games, like come happy, leave sick. Yet it is life, mother said it would be days like this, yet she did not say how many. Just chiming in.


What's next. Maybe  it's the Greek Economy.

Greek Officials: Brazil's Rousseff Cancels Olympic Visit - ABC News … t-38248411
or maybe the water. If I don't find humor in this me$$, I will find tears.


Brazilian leaders in crisis mode before Rio Olympics … /82950258/

Wow, the never ending saga!


Well Rio did bring on line one Waste Water Treatment plant to try,I said Try to clean up the bay.

With Brazil in crisis, who has time for the Olympics? - Yahoo Sports … --oly.html

What a me$$!


Two dead and three missing after beachfront cycle lane built for Rio Olympics collapses into the sea

At least two people have been killed and three others are missing after a cycle lane built for the Rio 2016 Olympics collapsed into the sea.

Rescue workers recovered two bodies from the water but witnesses said five were on the bike path when it fell apart, local media reported.

Harrowing images and footage showed how a long stretch of the bike lane, which hung 50m above the water, had crumbled apart. … l#comments


This is not good! I was listening to a report and it was mentioned will there be a Olympics. Some of the comments in the article are serious from,zika,crime,H1N1, politics  what a me$$. It asks was it all in vain and can any of the construction be trusted for once the stadiums and building are in use???? Will there be a unforseen disaster waiting in the wings. It's sad vey sad.


Well it is What it Is........
Wave of deadly gunbattles hit Rio as the Olympics get closer – The Crusader Journal … et-closer/
enjoy the read if one has time.


One day,
Brazilian Olympic hopeful is shot in head in Rio carjacking attempt | Daily Mail Online … -city.html
it just doesn't stop. Will there be a Olympics?


Well its getting out of hand.
Gunmen storm Brazil hospital; 1 dead, 2 wounded in shootout … 49296.html
Enjoy the read if one has time. This was uncalled for and who dies a nurse!


No matter what this is not working for me. How is one to feel coming into a temporary fix. All it will take is one death and a few robberies and the guest will head to the Airport.
Before the Olympics, gang violence surges in Rio's slums | Public Radio International … rios-slums

I'm not feeling good about any of this, it's like you can see the clouds,the lightning,hear the thunder and finally there is the Storm of no forgiveness and it pours for days.
scary stuff.
Some body needs to say enough is enough, when one arrives in Brazil for the Games and see Police and Military on every corner how is one to relax and enjoy Rio. Excuse the Rant. Brasil does not deserve to be treated in this way.

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