Moved to Cancun one month ago.

Hey Bassman
Nice to here happy positive stuff. Best of luck to you!

I had an unblocked phone and bought a Movistar chip for 100 pesos.  That does include unlimited calls and text as you described plus 350MB of data for a month.  Another 100 pesos gets the same package for another month.  Some things change frequently in Mexico.  I read where Movistar's rates will be changing.  The increase, if any, will be small, I think.

Welcome and good luck finding the right place to settle.

actually that is not true, many people have gotten permanent residency on an income of less than
a 1,000. one person less than 800. You need to apply and see what the consulate says.
They are certainly more accommadating than the US immigration system and nicer. I do speak
from experience.