
Let Stalk Strine

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Gordon Barlow

On another expat forum the "hard" Australian accent has been introduced, and it seems appropriate for it to be covered here on as well. There must be many immigrants to Australia who are lost for words, as it were, by not being able to understand what some of the natives say when speaking among themselves. I myself don't speak Strine, but I did when I first left the country. I well remember an embarrassing car journey in Cornwall when I was new to England. Hitching, I was picked up by a young Cornishman and his girlfriend. She spoke standard English, but had been to Australia; for the forty minutes I was in the car, she had to translate every single sentence he and I said to each other. Here is the relevant Wikipedia entry.

See also

Living in Australia: the expat guideAge restrictionHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in AustraliaDouble Taxation Treaty Relief FormThe best time to travel to Australia
Gordon Barlow

One of the Strine words recognised in the book is "bimbye", which means "bitten by" - as, "Mum, I've been bimbye a spider!" We use it in our house (I'm from Queensland, my wife from Melbourne) to this day, in a loose fashion. "What's that lump on your arm?" "It's a bimbye." "Well, put some anti-histamine on it."

Another one is "egg nishner", so useful in hot weather.

Gordon Barlow

And yet... According to this report (which I don't believe for a minute), voice-recognition technology will in time do away with accents altogether. Interesting. … technology

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