Is carrying DSLR safe Vietnam?

HI Guys,

Just a question,

I own a full frame DSLR with a few lenses I like to capture street & portrait photography which to me poses the most danger of getting robbed or someone attempting to in Ho Chi Minh.

As I like to capture scenes in day / night would it be safe carrying the camera around? I'm pretty careful when it comes to safety and securing my items as best I can.

I would love to know if there have been specific targets towards people with cameras or these gangs mainly try snatch phones or girls bag?


I suggest you keep your camera and equipment well out of sight until you wish to shoot, take out your camera, shoot, then return the camera to your bag. Walking around with a camera  hanging around your neck is an invitation for some one to rip it from you.

Also, ALWAYS keep one hand on your bag, which you should carry across your chest and not hanging off one shoulder, so that you can prevent a thief from ripping it off  you.  When two thieves on a motor bike tried to steal my shoulder bag, all they got was the strap and I still was firmly holding my bag against my stomach.

Good thinking, but you have already answered your own question: self-awareness.   And you show that.

Common sense dictates you don't carry visible signs around.   Use in crowds?  Self-explanatory too.   So even armed guards cannot prevent the omnipresent threat of theft.   In fact, they draw attention...

One option is to carry within a larger bag securely attached to you.  The equally obvious danger is being dragged away as well.    It's happened before, and unhappily for the owner...
Be aware - and aware..?   You can never cover all the bases.   Cover with a soft cloth such as a dark scarf which will often even hide the fact you are taking photos.   Do NOT use this trick in China...

Empathy?   Sure.  Think as a thief would.   Without becoming one.      Too obvious?  Too rarely...

..but I think I'm probably preaching to the choir....

I agree with both respondents.  I love taking shots of Vietnam and always carry my DSLR and SLR around with me.  rarely do I walk around with it strapped around my neck though.  Keep it in your bag until you are ready to shoot.  I don't think it poses a great deal of concern since I do believe this city to be relatively safe, but it still is a major city and will have crime.  So just be careful and aware as stated before.  Looking forward to seeing some of your shots, make sure you post some onto the site.