Starting a clothing label

Good afternoon,

Just after a bit of advice if anyone can help. Myself and my Vn gf are looking at starting a clothing label in Vietnam. We have ideas, a name and some connections. Just wondering if anyone has done anything similar and if anyone knows how much it would cost to register to name and and other legal requirements. Its in early stages of planning. Any help would be great or any ideas.

Thank you,

I know someone
His name is philip ..
Based in ho Chi Ming..
Golfer friend of mine...

Moderated by Priscilla 8 years ago
Reason : please communicate this kind of personal information in private

Dont know about the legal bits, im more on thebdesign/photography side, but know a brilliant and sweet vn girl who willnmake one off custom designs or samples really inexpensive once you guys need that bit;)

Drop me a line if you guys are interested;)


oh that would be awesome. we will defintely need some designs done

what does he do?


And good luck on the new business;)
