
Importing Pet Birds to Ecuador

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Has anyone successfully imported a pet parrot to Ecuador as of this writing?  If so, would you please let me know how you did it?

See also

Living in Ecuador: the expat guide"current" banned breeds for EcuadorDog in danger.Dog Breeders in EcuadorPugs in the Andes

I think you already went over this with other posters here in a bird importing thread?


Of the two people who had posted on the previous thread you mentioned, neither one had been successful in bringing their birds over. Xaminer gave up and rehomed his two parrots, and the columbian's last post was in May and he had not responded to my inquiry. I am looking for anyone who has been successful in this endeavor to tell me how they did it.


It seems you've gotten your answer then. Zero other posters who have tried, have been able to get their pet birds into Ecuador.

Although I can't speak for Ecuador in particular, I have known other people who have tried to move their pet birds internationally - and failed. Because of bird flu the movement of residential pet birds has become nearly impossible everywhere.

If colombian hasn't replied to your question in 5 months time, I doubt you'll be hearing from him.


Here in post #2 the second link is to a PDF that outlines the requirements for importing dogs, cats and other species into Ecuador, see under "OTRAS ESPECIES ANIMALES"  for birds.  When I click on the link, the PDF is downloaded automatically - I don't know if in your browser it may just show the PDF and then you can choose to download: … 56#2686279

The PDF (importacion-exportacion-mascotas-24.02.2012) is from the Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Acuacultura y Pesca and has the requirements and their contact information.  You also have to get import permission from the Ministerio de Ambiente.  This is because Ecuador considers only dogs and cats to be pets (From the PDF:  "Ya que en Ecuador únicamente son consideradas mascotas perros y gatos..."). 

To get import permission, inside the PDF is a link ("DESCARGAR") to another PDF form to be filled out (SOLICITUID ESPECIES CITES COMO MASCOTAS 24.02.2014).

Even if the animal being imported is not on the CITES list of protected species, it appears you are still required to fill out the form but will not need any export permission from the appropriate governmental authority in the country of export - referred to as the "Autoridad Ambiental del país exportador" in the PDF.  If you search the internet for "especies CITES" you will get a hit in English as the first in the list, along with others in Spanish that tell you what species of animals are on the CITES list.

To see the CITES Appendices with the species lists, go here:
You can then search within the web page for example, for Psittaciformes to see the scientific names of the cockatoos, macaws, parakeets and parrots, etc. that are on the CITES list.

In any case I would suggest contacting both the Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Acuacultura y Pesca and the Ministerio de Ambiente both of whose contact information is on the PDFs.  You should be able to discuss the matter with them to ensure you take all the steps necessary and have everyone sign off on importing the birds as pets.

It sounds like it can be done, but obviously you will need to be able to get all the necessary forms from the USA bureaucracy and then navigate the Ecuadorian bureaucracy in Spanish with persistence and patience.  This looks like a difficult process even for someone who speaks fluent Spanish - but the steps are all specified in the documents for the importation, so it can be done (probably).


Thank you so much, OsageArcher.  I will try navigating those sites and get some help with the Spanish.  You are very kind to send this all to me.  Thanks again.



Hi. I was searching importing bird to Ecuador and this thread showed up. I know it’s an old one but Were  you able to travel with your bird? I have a cockatiel and I want to travel to Ecuador but everyone says I can’t 😩 I tried opening the PDF file that one commentator helped you with but it was blank. Any help from anyone would be appreciated.


Hello Mildamy,

Welcome on board !

Please note that @Birdmama hasn't been active for the past 7 years or so.

I would suggest that you open a new thread on the Ecuador forum so that active members may guide you.

All the very best


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