Ibiza Resident

Hola all

My name is Tilley and I moved to Ibiza 2 years ago with my husband after getting married here in 2013.  We live here with our dog and our 3 year old boy who has been living on the island since his was 1 year old, and understands Spanish better then ourselves.

I would like to exchange experience/languages to people from the island and Spain and give know knowledge to anyone who is thinking of moving to Ibiza.



Hey Tilley,

How are you? My name is Paul and i am hopefully looking to move to Ibiza next year. My girlfriend is actually there at present until the end of October. It seemed like a bit of a pipe dream to move there but hopefully i can put that into reality.

i currently working in construction in the UK and i would think that i would need a job change to live in ibiza.

If you would be willing to give me some advice and get back to me it would be great.

I look forwardto hearing from you.


Hi Tilley,

My partner & I are looking to work the summer season in Ibiza in 2017 with a view to moving permenantly at a later date.

While we are in Ibiza we would love to get married. From what I have read, you need to be a reisdent or a member of the Catholic Church. Unfortunately neither myslef or my partner are a member of the church. We were wondering if you would know, if we regixtered as temporary residents for 7 months on the island, would this be enough to be classed as a resident & get married?

Getting married in Ibiza is really important to us both, as this is where got engaged & the island has really taken our hearts. Your help & advice on this would be really appreciated!

Lisa :)

Hi Tilley

My husband to be and I are wanting to move to Ibiza from South Africa within the next year.
We are a 40 something couple who are looking for a calmer, better way of life - where we have beach time and sun and happiness.....
Please can you assist with any knowledge for full time job opportunities and what island life is like.
We have always lived in South Africa and have decided that Ibiza is where we'd like to live and work and spend our lives.

Looking forward to your reply

Hey Tilley, I hope you're well? We're moving to Ibiza on the 21st February and looking for accommodation, preferably a two bedroom apartment to rent. Do you have any contacts or knowledge of any thing going? Ideally we'd like to be in Ibiza Town but open to opportunities.

Thanks for your help in advance x

hola tilley,i'm Chris, i'm a 56 yr old   Salsa teacher,i love ibiza and would like to make a small living teaching Salsa there,my company,Salsacrazy,specializes in beginners classes to get absolute beginners started dancing n having fun-do you think there's an opportunity there? we dont rent studios unless it's by the hour, but instead teach in hotel bars/restaurants or pubs, low-cost,fun classes mostly for tourists...any advice would be appreciated!

I am currently planning a trip to Spain in late May and wondered if you had some input or thoughts on Mallorca vs. Ibiza ?   I've heard Ibiza is the "party" island but like most things, I'm sure it's overblown some. Is it cheaper to live there or about the same ?  More beaches, prettier etc or the same ? Have a suggestion on slightly higher end hotel to stay on a beach or close ?  Thanks for anything you provide and are generous to do so. All the best !

Hi Tilley,

I work at ITV and we are coming out to Ibiza for a live across our Daytime shows. We are looking for expats to come along to the filming and tell us about being an expat in Ibiza and what it's like to live out there.

It is happening this Friday 14th July and it would be great if you could come along, and also put us in touch with any other expats that you might know that would be available to come down.

Please feel free to email me on claire.burke@itv.com or call 02078277212.

Thanks and hopefully I'll hear from you.

All the best,
