Is moving to Spain a bad idea?

Hi all,

I am a 32 y.o. single male from Chicago who has plans of moving to Barcelona, Spain sometime around March of 2011.  It has long been a dream of mine to move to and explore Europe and I'm so glad I'm finally getting the chance to do it. 

My only question is, is it actually a good idea to move to Spain at this time?  I have been telling my friends and family about my move to Spain for the last few months and I seem to be getting some negative feedback about the whole thing. 

People are saying things like "the economy is too bad or terrorism will get worse etc..." 

I should mention that I am a European citizen and I am also self employed so having money and a visa should not be a problem for me. 

I personally am not sure what to think and I was hoping to get some feedback from people living in Spain or Europe.   

Please let me know your opinion.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Brian,

The economy in Spain and a lot of southern Europe is in a big slump right now, but it will pick up again. Barcelona from what I can see isn't overly affected by it anyway. There are certainly a lot of people spending a lot of money here.

I think the threat of terrorism in Europe in general is exactly the same as that in the US, in Spain the only possible additional terrorist threat is ETA, but they have declared a ceasefire anyway.

I'd say that if you feel like a move anywhere, then you can't pick a much better place on the planet to be than Barcelona. I've lived in a lot of places, and nowhere has made me want to stay put like this city does.

Do not believe the cease fire. There are indications that they are just re-arming and re-organising themselves after the lasts arrests... Whatever, ETA is a lottery and that should not deter your plans.

Economy in Spain is still going bad, and it does not show any signs of recovery, due to the lack of Goverment efficient actions and the culture or the Spanish people (in which I include myself). The unions are not really helping in the area.

However, depending on your situation (family or not, single or not, ...) it can be an interestig move, if not to establish yourlsef in Spain, explore the whole of Europe and try your luck either in Spain or somewhere else while you do your exploring.

The economich situatio all round the world is pretty unstable at the moment so it does not really make a difference. I would say give it a go... I believe the visa you are going to get will allow you to travel all Schengen countries...



Im a little late on this topic but I agree with the top two posts, it cant be much worse in Spain than anywhere else.  For both topics, the economy or terrorism.  A friend of mine was in Mallorca earlier this year and was near the bomb blast in Magaluf which he missed by all of 30 minutes.  Not much press about it but it did kill a Guardia Civil.  But I find these instances so rare in comparison to a car crash that it not even worth fretting over.  What do you guys think more specifically about the economy?  Im in the US considering a move myself.


Brian, chances that terrorism will kill you are worse than lightning hitting you. ETA always had a mind of their own but that doesn't mean the threat is now suddenly extra high.

The economy is in a slump, like in other european regions. If you have learnt to deal with it in the USA you'll be just fine. Especially if the move takes you to a large city, as you know opportunities there are better and more varied. That's not just in Barcelona. You might enjoy Madrid, Seville and San Sebastian as well.

One thing to keep in mind, Spain is as slow as England. The train takes you anywhere, not on time but it'll get you there. :-)

But things are changing, it's a country in full development and you caught them in the middle of it. What they have achieved in 30 years is remarkable.
