Anyone up for an Appertivio meeting in the City Center?

I saw a suggestion for a "getting together" meeting over appertivio in the Milan area and thought it would be nice to do something like this in Florence once a week in the center!
Do I have any takers?
Let me know, so then I will know if I should post a time/place!
Thanks and cheers

Hello!  I am hoping to move to Florence in January and as I will only know one person there, I would love to attend a get together if you are running them then.  In the meantime I am looking for an apartment to rent (I have posted an ad for this)so any advice would be gratefully received!  I hope to visit in about 3 weeks time to hopefully look for accommodation (so I would love to attend a meeting then if it works out) but so far I'm not having much luck with my search!  With fingers crossed and hope to meet up sometime ... Sally x

Hi Srobens,
I'm up for an apertivo! I live in Florence and would love to meet some other English speakers. You name the time and place and I'll be there.
Catherine from Australia

I will be moving to Firenze from Biella next week. I would like to meet expats living there. I still try to learn italian but want to speak in english as well. Let me know where you meet
A dopo
Zehra from Istanbul

Hello all,

I think this is a great idea.  I recommend Colle Bereto near della Repubblica, but I'm down for anything in the center.  Wednesdays or Thursdays?


Hi, I am in for an apperativo and my girlfriend would probably like to come too.

Hi all -- my husband and I just moved to Florence last week. Have you all been able to set up a get together yet? We'd love to meet some other expats.

If this is still in the works I'd love to join!

Hi everyone. Well as you will see this has been a very slow-moving way to get a group of people together. Srobens first posted the idea for a gathering back in October. It seems there are quite a few people keen to meet but nothing has ever been organised. We just need someone to set a definite time, date and place, then whoever can come, comes.
So...without wasting any more time...can I suggest this. Tomorrow night (Thurs 27th) there is little jazz band playing at the Biblioteca Oblate cafe.  You can have an aperitivo + buffet there. Entry is free but of course you pay for drinks/food.
The music starts at 8.30pm. It is usually pretty popular and I cannot hold seats or tables so I suggest we meet at 8pm sharp outside the cafe door. I will wait there for 15 mins. After that, I will be sitting inside somewhere and I'm not sure how you'd find me.
Here are directions to the Biblioteca Oblate: There are 2 entrances, one on Via dell'Oriuolo or the other on Via San Egidio. Go up to the second floor  to the Caffeteria Oblate. The music event is called 'Oblate Suite' and the band this week is called DOCG.
I was going to go to see this band anyway, so if no one comes I won't be too worried. But I hope to see you all tomorrow night.

:)Hi Catherine

Well done for sorting this out. This event is something I would have loved to attend but I've just started learning the Tango and I have a class from 9.30pm until 11pm.  However it would be great to meet you, so I'm wondering whether it would be worth attending as I would have to leave about 9.10pm?

Best wishes


Hi Catherine

Thanks for taking initiative. Thursday i go to Toastmasters (, so I wont be able to join. Hopefully next time.


Hi guys,
Sally, I think it's still worth you coming. The band last time only played for an hour or so, so you would see most of it by 9.10pm.
Silvester, sorry it clashes with your Toastmasters meeting. Hopefully better luck next time.

Hi Catherine

That sounds great - see you there!  I have sent you an email with my mobile number.


is this offer still , can i join you if it is??