
Find a good school for my son(swedish/english)


Hello everybody:),
My name is Andrea, I come from Czech Republic and me, my husband and our two kids are moving to Stockholm in two months(my husband has got a job offer, which he simply can't refuse)....which makes my life quite complicated:). The most important thing is to find a good school for my son(swedish/english), so if anybody knows... ;) .I lived in Ireland 6 years  but I guess that Sweden is a bitt different:)))).

See also

Studying in StockholmStudent life in StockholmKey facts for international students in SwedenFinances as a EU studentSchools in Stockholm

Hi AndreaSm,

Welcome to :)

In order to make your query more visible to the eyes of the members, i have created a new thread with your post on the Stockholm forum.


Priscilla  :cheers:


Hello Andrea,

I wish you and your family the best with your plans to move to Sweden. 

To do much of anything when starting in Sweden (get a bank account, rent an apartment, order broadband, enter your chikdren's names in the queue for school etc etc etc) you'll need Swedish personal numbers.  You won't be granted one until you live in Sweden.  It takes 2-3 weeks to receive it once you apply upon arriving.  You'll discover what your options are from your local stad (town).   Depending on your position in the queue and your desired school's availability you may be waiting a while. 

I suggest you engage your husband's employer to have them help.   If you don't already have these issues covered then those on this forum will help you uncover any gaps with your move. 



Hello Chris :) ,
thank you so much for your answer. Well,my husbands company is helping us to sort out these things via Human Entrance...But I am trying to search by myself...and I am very confused about the school system...I am really worried about my son, that is why I am trying to find him a good,"friendly" school in English but with Swedish as well..The International school seems to me pretty maybe any bilingual school? And in a good area in Stockholm? Anybody any experience???
Thank you so much for your time guys :)
p.s. Thank you Priscilla :top:


Hello Priscilla

I am also wondering about schools for my kids.

Please advise how your move went and how your child is doing academically now?

Thanks for your time