Cost of living in Denmark

Hi - I'm considering moving abroad for work and wondering what the cost of living is compared to the states? I'm currently living in Philadelphia, have an average salary and live comfortably. On average, how much does one spend in a week (food, transportation, going out, shopping)? Is it cheap to travel from Denmark to other European cities? Any advice, information or websites for more information would be helpful.


Hi Suzanne! Welcome on Expat-blog! :) You should have a look at this thread: Cost of living in Denmark, there are some information, it might help you to have an idea.

I wish you good luck and hope you'll receive replies from active members very soon.


I am a Software Engg from India travelling to Denmark next month. It will be an onshore assignment for me and have been offered 18000 DKK per month(after taxes).

So I wanna know if this amount is sufficient to survive in Denmark? I am a bachelor.

Also how much would be spent on Accomodation, food and travelling?

Friends it would be of g8 help, if you could share some details on this...


Hello Satyamurthy, welcome to :)

Did you get a chance to check-out the thread link provided by Christine above?

Cost of living in Denmark

Hope this helps