Schooling and Resident Permits

Hello All-

I will be arriving in Doha in a few weeks with my family and have been told that they cannot start school until they have their Resident Visa - I was told that this process can take 6 months because of the requirement for 6 salary deposits.

Firstly, has anyone been through this process already and what was the reality of the process? Is it really this long? Any ways to speed up the process?

Secondly, what options have people done to keep their kids up to date with schooling if they need to be out for 6 months? Tutoring? Nannies?

Both my wife and I will be working so homeschooling is not an option at least during the day. Ironically enough I am a teacher but these rules are the government's not my school. I am worried about the missed instruction and also the lack of socialisation with their peers at school.

Thanks in advance!

Thanks GB!

Was this recently? It looks like you moved here in January. My school said the 6 month requirement was a fairly recent change.
