Hola Venezuela

My name is Firoz Shah, a merchant who lives in Bangalore , India. I intend to visit Caracas, Venezuela business. Looking for Venezuelans living in India and Venezuela , which would be of great help to me during my visit to Venezuela

hi firozsha  :cheers: don't worry  :D I can help you during your visit in venezuela  :proud I am from of puerto la cruz to 8 hours of caracas but i have one question, you know speak spanish well? although no matter i love it speak english and practice with one speaking english  :lol:

Thank you for your reply. I don't speak Spanish well, though i would like to learn during my visit. I will be visiting this month to Caracas. Hope to meet you there.

:D i dont worry :D it would be a pleasure :P

do keep in touch... my id firozmsha@gmail.com