
Are bedsits or one bedroom places rare in Nairobi?

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I am looking for a small place and don't really want to share but there does not seem to be many options out there as they mostly seem to be 3/2 beds.

I know there is an accommodation forum but I am just asking a question if they have many of these.

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Adebisi2000 wrote:

I am looking for a small place and don't really want to share but there does not seem to be many options out there as they mostly seem to be 3/2 beds.

I know there is an accommodation forum but I am just asking a question if they have many of these.

There are not many at all. There is one advertised in the housing section in the green banner at the top of this page.


I agree, there are not many.  One bedroom apartments are our there, but very often these are furnished, serviced apartments aimed at the short term letting market.  Therefore prices are relatively higher.

We used to stay at Arrow Apartments on the junction of 5th Ngong Avenue and Bishops Road, which are all furnished one bedroom units.  This was in 2001, when they were new and at the time they cost around Ksh 40,000 per month.

The majority of one room places are built for the Kenyan market and are to be found in poorer areas of Nairobi where is it not advisable, or safe for expats to live.

One alternative is to look for someone who is renting out a guest wing.  As well as online, adverts can be found in the local press and on the noticeboards at malls such as Sarit Centre, Yaya Centre etc.


About the bedsits and 1 bed in Nairobi, there are several available from they are based in Nairobi so you can also visit their offices.


There are studios and 1 bedrooms available in the outer suburbs of Nairobi. short term rental homes should assist you for types of spaces your searching for


MY bedsit becomes available at the end of this month... but it's not furnished :)

Maybe you can drop me a mail and we can see if we can work something out?



Hi Mercy, where are you located?


Lang'ata... Near the National park main gate


Your option could be a self contained servant quarter as they are not easy to get.


hey, how much? where is it in lagata? can you link on google maps?


Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : please post this ad in the housing section

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